Leftist Debate Judges Turn High School Activity into Maoist Struggle Sessions – IOTW Report

Leftist Debate Judges Turn High School Activity into Maoist Struggle Sessions

The Free Press

Unfortunately for students and their parents, there are countless judges at tournaments across the country whose biased paradigms disqualify them from being impartial adjudicators of debate. From “I will drop America First framing in a heartbeat,” to “I will listen to conservative-leaning arguments, but be careful,” judges are making it clear they are not only tilting the debate in a left-wing direction, they will also penalize students who don’t adhere to their ideology. More

6 Comments on Leftist Debate Judges Turn High School Activity into Maoist Struggle Sessions

  1. I remember a few years back watching a video of one of these “debates”. The winning team was a group of “youths” whose tactic was to interrupt and shout down their opponents, you know, just like you see on Tee Vee.

  2. The kids might as well learn early they have to pick and choose what groups they join. Debates with crooked judge? Girls sports with men acting like women? You get the picture.


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