Leftist Hero Comedian Secretly Utilized Tax “Loopholes” As He Derided Them On the Tee Vee – IOTW Report

Leftist Hero Comedian Secretly Utilized Tax “Loopholes” As He Derided Them On the Tee Vee

The execrable John Oliver, a guy I have as much trouble looking at and listening to than I do the Elephant Man (teeth are similar), fascinated his adoring moronic throngs with a diatribe against Trump on his HBO show.

As the British millionaire railed against the 1%, and their lawyers that seek out loopholes to avoid paying their “fair share,” the hypoBrite was doing exactly that behind his trained clapping seals’ backs.

He hired a slick, high-powered law firm to take advantage of the “loopholes” he seemingly abhors in order to leverage the purchase of a 9.5 million dollar penthouse in New York.



14 Comments on Leftist Hero Comedian Secretly Utilized Tax “Loopholes” As He Derided Them On the Tee Vee

  1. He’s a wonky toothed wanker. What is it about a British accent that makes these stupid Leftists so appealing to our own stupid Leftist out in Hollywood and back in New York City? This is what happens when politics becomes the main source of humor on television.

  2. When he first came on was pretty funny. His running joke on FIFA was brilliant but somewhere along the line I guess he was told to shift hard left and attack Trump. He really is a piece of crap now. Hell, maybe people ought to start picketing outside his new home. I’ll bet the neighbours would love that.

  3. Judging by his bad teeth, it’s obvious that this asshole was born out of an incestuous relationship. Most likely between his mother and her oldest son.

  4. Sounds like Bernie Sanders who bought his 3rd house through a tax avoiding trust.

    Or Jon Stewart who made a $15 million profit when he sold his NYC apartment and put the profits in a trust to avoid taxes.

    Or the Clintons who have a trust and the Foundation to live extravagantly – and avoid taxes.

  5. We kicked the Brits out of this country for a reason. WHO gives a
    rat’s ass what they think? They phucking allowed another invasion
    into their country and they tell us we are phucked up?

    Get PHUCKED.

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