Leftist Journalists Are A-Holes – IOTW Report

Leftist Journalists Are A-Holes

Is this ignorance, or is it when “their guy” does something they don’t give it a second thought?

Or are these just blatant attempts to ratf*ck Trump?



Is that German for loss of memory?

To be fair, they aren’t strongman balcony scenes with Obama. They are skinny marink balcony scenes.

ht/ nm

14 Comments on Leftist Journalists Are A-Holes

  1. Who was that Iraqi media guy during the US raid during the Bush admin who went on TV saying all was well when bombs were going off in the background? These f’kers are just as bad.

  2. they say whatever ridiculous thing they can think of to throw gas on their mental midgets fires. Like a locomotives fireman shoveling coal, they gotta stoke the hate.


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