Leftist Looking at 20 Years in Prison For Threatening To Kill Parents Because They Voted For Trump – IOTW Report

Leftist Looking at 20 Years in Prison For Threatening To Kill Parents Because They Voted For Trump


A 29-year-old man from San Antonio, Texas is facing charges after allegedly threatening his parents for “not voting his way” in the 2016 presidential election.

Chase Carter was taken into custody last Friday on a second-degree felony charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

After the election, Carter was “highly upset” at the results and started blaming other people, including his parents, and “made threats he was going to kill them,” according to the affidavit.


31 Comments on Leftist Looking at 20 Years in Prison For Threatening To Kill Parents Because They Voted For Trump

  1. Don’t surprised at this. The little felon grew up with the liberal party line being fed to him from grade school through high school and at university (assuming he went). This is more indoctrination then the Hitler Youth went through and they formed the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend. Those were the boys that took no prisoners or executed the ones they accidently took. You can’t argue with a lot of these kids, they just ignore you or call you a racist white male misogynist.

  2. When I was a kid, they put the moms on dope if a kid was hyper(aka being a kid) now for 20+ years, they start doping kids in preschool and teach Zinn’s version of history. I bet the little nozzle didn’t even vote.

  3. Yeah Bubba and BigMack are have some sweet lovins for this lill cherry boy. What is not ripped open will be ripped apart or chewed off. Hope the MSM get loads of photos afterwards, show the rest of the snowflakes what is in store for their self-expressions and crime.

  4. He will get off. His lawyer will argue that he was expressing his First and Second Amendment rights – expressing his opinion and defending himself against a threat to his life posed by the immensely Trump presidency.

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