Leftist Media Would Rather See Paper Fold Than Right Itself – IOTW Report

Leftist Media Would Rather See Paper Fold Than Right Itself


After it was announced Monday that local businessman and Sinclair Broadcasting Group executive Chairman David Smith had rescued The Sun with plans to revitalize it to a robust status, the left is apoplectic.

Why? Sinclair, the local news behemoth Smith runs, has been accused for years of tilting right. Based on the hissy fits pitched by the AP, the Baltimore Banner (an online site started after the Alden purchase), CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post, it seems like journalists would rather the paper die all together than be run by someone who’s not a leftist. More

11 Comments on Leftist Media Would Rather See Paper Fold Than Right Itself

  1. “it seems like journalists would rather the paper die all together than be run by someone who’s not a leftist”

    Yup. That’s the left. Ya kinda nailed their M.O. there.

  2. I live outside of the shit-hole formerly know as Baltimore. The last Baltimore Sun I bought was the day after the ravens won their last Super Bowl. They have been a far left rag for decades.

  3. I remember back in 2018, when we were laughing at the MSM talking all parroting the same leftist line, on air, almost word for word, in story after story. Examples were posted all over social media and youtube, and something had to be done about it by the journo guild. Enter New York Times with this:

    “Sinclair Made Dozens of Local News Anchors Recite the Same Script”

    That story even got traction here, due to MSM subterfuge and misdirection, even though what Sinclair did was nothing like the repetitive propaganda doled out by the various “competing” MSM outlets to engender a uniform reaction across the whole country. The letter read by Sinclair’s anchors in all of their outlets was an honest and transparent mission statement from management. The leftists twisted it to deflect from their own dishonest practice.

    After five years, nothing has changed; Sinclair continues to adhere to its mission statement, and leftist journos continue to smear and attack Sinclair.

  4. CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post, are doing the old capitalist dance: get rid of your competitors any way possible. They must have read about John D. Rockefeller’s business practices (AKA known as Wreckafellow by the men John D. ruined), an expert on how to kill competition.

    They have to protect their bottom lines, which are getting lower and lower by the day. They are acting like 19th Century Robber Barons against Sinclair.

    All these so-called liberal-ass journals will morph into e-journals in time, and eventually go extinct, unless they seriously move to just reporting the news and leave the left-wing editorials out.

  5. I agree with Bryan. I used to get the Sunday edition for the coupons and to see what the left was saying but I stopped my subscription at least 12 years ago when I couldn’t take their BS any more and their coupon content had almost dropped to zero.

  6. “ Two paragraphs later, they shined that Smith said back in 2018 that print journalism was “so left-wing as to be meaningless dribble” and that he dared to stand by that statement in a meeting with Sun reporters.”

    These professional writers quoting his out loud comments don’t know the word they were hearing was”drivel” not “dribble”. I see the problem

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