Leftist School Administrator Cuts Off Ben Shapiro Speech In Order To Protect Student’s Feelings – IOTW Report

Leftist School Administrator Cuts Off Ben Shapiro Speech In Order To Protect Student’s Feelings

The line Shapiro delivered that prompted the idiot to step in was “a disproportionate amount of poor people that win the lottery end up poor again. It’s because they suck at money. The reason people are permanently poor in the United States isn’t because they don’t have money, it’s because they suck with money. The reasons people are temporarily poor can vary.”

There was some murmuring in the crowd and one girl is heard delivering the trademark reaction of an abject idiot when confronted with the rare bluntness she so obviously needs- “dayummmmmmmmmmmmm.”

The administrator jumped in because he said many of the students come from poor families, AKA, families that suck at money.


video after read more


more at Breitbart.

17 Comments on Leftist School Administrator Cuts Off Ben Shapiro Speech In Order To Protect Student’s Feelings

  1. Got to protect the indoctrinees from hurtful realities. They draw that “line” right next to ignorance. Go outside of “stupid” and you get canned.

    Good to know that half of them stayed.

    Didn’t Buckwheat go to that school?

  2. What a coincidence! Not two hours ago, I walked out of a Walmart, stepped off the curb, and heard, ” Daaayyyyummmm, he don’t even fuckin’ look!” It had to be me who was the object of that observation, so I turned around, and it was the fat black woman ringing the bell at the Salvation Army kettle! Now I fear the SA might be getting taken over by progs.

  3. That fucking “administrator” is disgusting-ohhh the poor little snowflakes were hearing something that rattled their cages.

    He’s the same as thing as a beaten wife who says the whopping she just got was her fault. IOW an enabler.

    I would have told the snowflakes to STFU and SYAD, listen and maybe you might learn something. Back when I was in HS and I went to a Catholic HS, the brothers and lay teachers would not hesitate to smack you if you were a smartass. And disrupting an adult speaker like that would get you smacked hard.

    I lay this nightmare right at the feet of the NEA-they’ve gotten exactly what they wanted-they’re pouring millions of victims out into our society. If we are ever attacked, and it’s coming, you can count these precious diaper babies out. Just look at what’s happening in our colleges because of weak kneed “administrators”

  4. AGREED… It only becomes an issue when someone makes it an issue. The Administrator made it an issue. No one in the audience was even paying attention till Ben said the word *suck*. Their response was focused only on that word…not the whole statement. IMO

  5. One doesn’t have to be poor to suck at money–there are plenty of not-poor people who suck at money, making a decent wage and living paycheck to paycheck, using credit cards to live. There’s a lesson here for more than just the permanently poor.

  6. Hmm. From my parents, when I was 14 and making $5/day doing farm work: I was told – look after your nickles, dimes and quarters and your dollars will look after themselves. Ten years later from my father-in-law, who was taught this by his father – it’s not how much you make, it’s how much you keep. Ben is correct.

    Anyway, that school admin has the teaching skills of Sgt. Major Palin;
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHPskUlIjSs .

  7. Sing it to the choir, baby. It seems that in my workplace, I am the only person at my pay grade who doesn’t “suck at money.” I don’t travel on my vacations, cook dinner at home, and generally shun fripperies. (Okay, I will cop to taxi rides and pedicures.)

    But guess who they all come to for loans when they’re broke? Yep. It is a widely known fact that I am the only person with cash the day before payday. And they don’t ask for small amounts, either. It’s always hundreds needed to keep the electric or the cell turned on, or thousands for their kid’s college tuition, or can they please put their car repairs on my credit card.

    I’ve had to get really harsh with these people. “That’s a fantastic weave you’ve got……nice Smartphone….oooooh, slammin’ acrylics……how much did you pay for that?” They tell me, and I say, “Pity you didn’t send it to Con Ed/your wireless carrier/your landlord.” Of course, now I have the words HONKY BITCH tattooed on my forehead.

  8. I’m a landlord. My working tenants leave a clean, damage free house. The ones on public assistance live like hamsters and leave mountains of abandoned stuff behind. Ironically, I often find spare change lying on the floor that they dropped and didn’t bother to pick up. I found $3.75 in quarters under a sofa cushion.

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