Leftist Smear Campaign of “Secret Agent” Trump Has Them Alluding To Graham Homosexuality – IOTW Report

Leftist Smear Campaign of “Secret Agent” Trump Has Them Alluding To Graham Homosexuality

breitbart –

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is now spreading a homophobic conspiracy theory that originated with MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle about Sen. Lindsey Graham being blackmailed by Trump over “something pretty extreme.”

Using her verified Twitter account, Omar wrote of Graham, “They got to him, he is compromised!”

more at Breitbart

24 Comments on Leftist Smear Campaign of “Secret Agent” Trump Has Them Alluding To Graham Homosexuality

  1. …So, only Republican faggots are disgusting/compromised now?….Barry Frank, Barry H Obama, Barry Polis ( new governor in Colorado), Barry Williams (didn’t do Marsha)….twigs and Barry’s are all that matters….

  2. What’s hysterical here is that virtually no one who supports Trump gives a shit if Graham is gay or not. They only care that he act like a competent politician and not undermine his own party’s POTUS and base every other day like those cunts McCain, Romney, Flake, Kasich, et al.

    This is democrats thinking they’re being clever by trying to outrage their moronically inspired straw man of what they think Trump supporters believe about gays. Trump supporters don’t hate gays. Trump supporters hate vicious, demented perverts who try to bankrupt people for not baking a cake or who try to brainwash a five year old boy in their care into undergoing undergo gender conversion therapy that will ruin his life.

    The LGBTQWERTY…(to infinity and beyond) movement is filled with some evil, degenerate, Satanic motherfuckers who desperately need to be tossed from rooftops. But if Graham dates men, no one in their right mind really gives a shit.

  3. Funny how the democrats love to claim they are the most tolerant people ever, best friends to the gay community, yet the first chance they get to degrade a Republican with a homophobic insinuation or slur they pounce.

  4. Ms. Omar is a Islamist (pretty well fascist) political predator and the one group that should be going after this bitch’s hide will say nothing. Where the hell is the gay lobby denouncing her not for accusing Graham of being gay but for her to say that being gay is so bad that it’s the stuff of blackmail. Frankly, I don’t care whether he is or not just that he’s found a spine and the the constitution. It’s time to start thinning the predators.

  5. At least Mz. Lindsay’s on our side. Since when is being gay a negative with the left. Oh, right jihadists have a problem with gays. He definitely doesn’t support the ideologies of a barbaric jihadist “refugee” taquiya operative posing as a U.S. Representative.

  6. Here we see a perfect example of taqqiya, the Muslim practice of telling lies to the kuffar, which is perfectly fine according to the teachings of Mohammed and the Koran. Congrats Minnesota….. congrats.


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