Leftist Students Give You a Glimpse of Leftwing Governance in Our Future – IOTW Report

Leftist Students Give You a Glimpse of Leftwing Governance in Our Future

“Yacht Club” is offensive.

No Yacht Clubs.Screen Shot 2015-10-10 at 5.57.19 PM

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12 Comments on Leftist Students Give You a Glimpse of Leftwing Governance in Our Future

  1. Well, THAT should justify the banning of ALL “exclusive” clubs on campus…like for

    BLACKS only
    WOMEN only
    NO HABLOS only
    HOMOS only

    Time to lawyer-up, not whimper away.

  2. I reckon black folks feel that yacht clubs are racist too and it’s why so many never want to join one.

    After all, about 300 years ago some good ol’ boys from Georgia went over to the west coast of Africa and said “hey, y’all wanna go sailin’?”

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