Leftist Talk Show Audience Applauds News of a South African Woman Getting 3 Years in Jail For Offensive Speech – IOTW Report

Leftist Talk Show Audience Applauds News of a South African Woman Getting 3 Years in Jail For Offensive Speech

Trevor Noah told his audience that a woman in South Africa had her car broken into and called the police. When 2 black uniformed men arrived she started screaming that she didn’t want to deal with black police. She wanted white or Indian police.

She allegedly shouted the South African equivalent word for the epithet ni••er 38 times. Noah informed them that the woman got 3 years in jail and the morons in the audience starting applauding.

South Africa is certainly entitled to make their own laws, but (supposed) Americans applauding jail time for speech is very chilling, no matter what the speech is. I’m offended by college professors calling for the extermination of whiteness, but I don’t want them jailed.


After listening to that Mother Zucker testify for 2 days about how they are going to police Facebook, rooting out speech that creates an unsafe environment (and it’s Diamond and Lace who most famously received their “you are unsafe” notice) I’m not confident that these same clapping dopes wouldn’t applaud Americans getting jail time for “unacceptable speech.”

Noah was careful to point out that the South African epithet, kaffir, has not been embraced by black South Africans. They don’t use it and glorify it in rap music, for instance, like black Americans who glorify the word ni**er. They don’t greet each other by saying “hey, my kaffir.”

That’s an important distinction from how black pejoratives are used in America. Who would these clapping idiots put in jail here? Would black people who use ni**er as an insult go to jail? Or would it only be non-blacks?

And would leftists that call for the extermination of white people go to jail? I highly doubt it, yet I find that speech much more “unsafe” than being called a cracker.

Leftists are imbeciles, they should be eradicated.

(Wait, what’s that I hear in the distance? Are those police sirens?)



Trevor Noah also told his audience that when blacks gained power over whites in South Africa there was no reprisal, painting blacks as reasoned, non-vengeful gentle people.

Yes, he said this.

ht/ farm wife



7 Comments on Leftist Talk Show Audience Applauds News of a South African Woman Getting 3 Years in Jail For Offensive Speech

  1. Why does Hollywood think we have a liking of the Brits? From talk shows to reporters and infomercials. We kicked their asses out and made the greatest country in the world because of the lack of them.

  2. ” I’m offended by college professors calling for the extermination of whiteness, but I don’t want them jailed.”
    I would like to see them jobless, homeless and begging on the streets.

  3. Mr. Noah obviously hasn’t been keeping up with the news in S. Africa. To wit: uncompensated confiscation of white owned farm and other lands; and, a major political S.A. party calling for the execution of whites. And, frankly, I’ve heard enough white leftists here in Nolackaloonies, MT, and elsewhere in the USA allude to the need to kill USA white people to rectify some imagined evil on our part that I think you are being too kind in your assessment of them.


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