Leftist Tries To Debate Border Wall With Patriots and Calls Them “Pathetic” – IOTW Report

Leftist Tries To Debate Border Wall With Patriots and Calls Them “Pathetic”

A girl confronts the border wall proponents armed with a room temperature IQ and a Robert Frost poem in hand.

One of her brilliant points was when she cagily asked one of the proponents of the wall if “you’ve ever tired to emigrate to another country?”

One guy says, “yes, Germany. But I couldn’t get in.”

“See, there ya, go,” she says, as if to imply that this is why it’s justified that people sneak into countries.

If you can’t get into a baseball stadium because you don’t have a ticket, fight the man, sneak in!! (She’s a Bernie Sanders dullard.)

One guy says, “I don’t want to emigrate anywhere, I love my country.”

A chant of “USA, USA” erupts and the disgusting crunt says, “you are pathetic.”

She goes on to inform the border control proponents that “we are going to expand the definition of hate speech to include what you are doing right here.”

GO HILLARY 2016!!!!!

Screw Trump.


The Robert Frost poem was Mending Wall, about 2 neighbors who walk the length of the wall every year to patch up any disrepair. One neighbor, the “enlightened” one, suggests they let the fence fall down. Frost mocks the other neighbor, likening him to a caveman, who just moronically repeats his father’s old saying, without much thought-

Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed. He moves in darkness as it seems to me, Not of woods only and the shade of trees. He will not go behind his father’s saying, And he likes having thought of it so well He says again, “Good fences make good neighbors.” 


For the record, Robert Frost’s home –


Obama’s house –


Hillary Clinton’s house –


The fences are getting bigger.

They’re putting one around the DNC convention-

18 Comments on Leftist Tries To Debate Border Wall With Patriots and Calls Them “Pathetic”

  1. Could you imagine having to be around that cretin for more than 5 minutes? Holy shit it’s like arguing with a wall. Doesn’t everyone walk around with poems written on the brightest paper they can find?

  2. Such people cannot be argued with. They have at best stunted reasoning capability and many have none at all. If you asked her what a syllogism was she’d probably say it has something to do with pearl necklaces.

  3. That Lena Dunham looking liberal chick looks like she fell out the ugly tree, hit every branch on the way down,landed on her face and skidded for several feet. Seriously. Bitch so ugly, she gotta sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink. I laughed when the blubbery sack of sh*t waddled off in a huff with all that lard jiggling under that hideous polyester sack of a dress.

    The doughy beta male chubster in the blue hoodie looks like Trigglypuff’s long lost brother, only better medicated.

    Are they liberals because they are ugly or does being liberal make them so darned ugly?

  4. Ugly or not.
    Stupid or not.
    Hateful or not.
    Anti-American or not.

    “… we are going to expand the definition of hate speech to include what you are doing right here.”

    She gives fair warning. And in the future, it will carry jail time or a visit to Rm. 101.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. He’s going to build that wall.
    And he’s going to build it tall.
    And all the liberals are going to bawl.
    They’re going to say mean things.
    And act unkindly.
    Cause they want more victims
    like Kate Steinle.

  6. Geoff C. read to me a comment from one someone over at MOTUS yesterday that when something like this:

    A Sanders supporter, a young man, had given his campaign money and was under the impression that if Sanders lost the nominating primaries, he was going to refund all his donations. One of the fella’s relatives, not wanting to lose an opportunity to share his knowledge of socialism, told the young person that *if* Sanders were unlikely to do that, the kid would only get an average share of his donation, anyway. At this the guy went ballistic, enraged that he had given a whole $20.00 and not the oft-repeated stump message that most donations had been $5.00. He wanted his “entire $20.00 back!”

  7. Can I delete my post above from Saturday afternoon?

    Considering what happened Saturday night I wouldn’t have quoted a Pink Floyd song about shooting gays.
    It was just supposed to mock her Robert Frost Wall poem by using Floyd’s The Wall album.

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