Leftists Attack Schumer For Supporting Israel – IOTW Report

Leftists Attack Schumer For Supporting Israel

Schumer said there’s no peace in the middle east because of Arabs.

Leftists called for his head.

Now, let me tell you why — my view — why we don’t have peace, because the fact of the matter is that too many Palestinians and too many Arabs do not want any Jewish state in the Middle East. The view of Palestinians is simple: the Europeans treated the Jews badly culminating in the Holocaust, and they gave them our land as compensation.

Of course, we say it’s our land. The Torah says it, but they don’t believe in the Torah. So that’s the reason there is not peace. They invent other reasons, but they do not believe in a Jewish state, and that is why we, in America, must stand strong with Israel through thick and thin. We must because that is the reason, not any of these other false shibboleths, why there is not peace in the Middle East. – Sen. Chuck Schumer

The Daily Wire has some reactions, including Obama’s butt buddy Kal Penn who said he looks forward to the day Schumer is out of office.

Me too, but for far different reasons.

 “New York is a beautiful state with incredible people from so many faiths & backgrounds. Instead of using his office to bring people together & really make a difference, @SenSchumer is making speeches to divide us. Looking forward to the day he’s out of office.”


7 Comments on Leftists Attack Schumer For Supporting Israel

  1. HELLO!, Shazzam, amy is his cousin, but i get where you’re going with this.

    it’s here if you’re interested. or not.
    Amy Schumer’s father was born to a Jewish family from Ukraine. He is a second cousin to U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer.

    i’m not a fan of chuck or his co workers, at all, but when it comes to someones kids, i kinda like to keep them out of the mud if they’ve never done anything to warrant being tossed into it.

  2. There’s a very good reason stereotypes develop. Chuck Shumer breezed through the checklist flawlessly.
    Kal Penn should use caution because back stabbing figured prominently on Chuck’s entrance requirements.

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