Leftists Dance on Roger Ailes’ Still Warm Body – IOTW Report

Leftists Dance on Roger Ailes’ Still Warm Body

Sick: Liberal Journalists Celebrate The Death Of Fox News Founder Roger Ailes

The death of Fox News founder Roger Ailes shocked fans of the network and the world of journalism Thursday morning. But many liberals, who despise his creating, took the opportunity of the man’s death to attack him and the network he created.

Unable to contain their contempt, they took to social media to attack the man.

Though some of the tweets have since been deleted by their authors, the magic of screen captures allows the Internet to relive their poor taste forever.


12 Comments on Leftists Dance on Roger Ailes’ Still Warm Body

  1. No matter what the subject, leftists find a way to further expose how amoral, dysfunctional, perverted and hideous they are to the core.

    A bunch of drug-addled, butt-fcuking, anti-God, double-ended dildos.

  2. The ugly Left reveals itself. Losers.

    Ailes also did a good job as Pres of CNBC. The general Leftist remaking of NBC eventually eroded CNBC into just another MSNBC with a stocks scroll, but while Ailes was there it was a high quality investors’ news source and valuable trading tool.

    He plucked the thoroughly mediocre Megyn Kelly from obscurity and made her a star and multizillionaire. She repaid him with the phony lying harassment accusations “once years ago at a Christmas party I thought afterwards he hugged me just a little too long”.
    And that ugly tranny Greta Susteren? What is she/he/xi, 65? In an industry dripping with thousands of gorgeous 20somethings eagerly throwing free sex at any man with power, does anyone believe he’d be remotely interested in Granny Greta other than to review her ratings and production costs?

    Tough industry. Ailes achieved much more than most. RIP.

  3. R.I.P. Mr Ailes. I for one appreciate the effort you put into making Fox News as politically neutral as you could stomach. Too much so for my liking but, I think I understand what you tried to do, and I think you were a pretty cool dude because of it… My condolences to the Ailes family and friends…

  4. It’s funny, if you talk to most any non-conservative (and a few self-described conservatives) and mention FoxNews they come back with things like right-wing biased journalism, conservative propaganda etc etc however if you take a truly unbiased person who was given a definition of liberalism, conservatism, rightwing, leftwing and unbiased then sat them down to view a few weeks of MSNBC, CNN, FoxNews, CBSNews, BBCNews, ABCNews and a few others I’m positive they would come back and say Fox was the least biased in it’s reporting, maybe not the talks shows although I suspect they’d come back with an opinion that the Fox talks shows were the most fair to differing views. That was Roger Aisles. A good newsman alone in a desert of destructive leftist news. RIP Mr. Aisles, at least you get to have a chuckle when the likes of Rather, Obermann, Maddow and the like show up trying to get into Newsman Heaven and are told to take a bus.

  5. Uber liberal “journalists” seem like all uber leftists anywhere – self centered, classless and miserable people. I waste as little time as possible with these blockheads because they continually underperform my already low expectation of them.

    Besides, who are they really insulting? Roger Ailes? He died, and he no longer cares. It’s his family and friends that are really the target of these insults.

  6. @Wyatt. Insulting their viewers as well. Sort of parallel strategy as insulting Trump, which really is insulting his voters. Same people. Same Alinskyite tactic. I can’t remember which rule and don’t feel like looking it up.

  7. I wondered how quickly the left MSM would show, once again, their true colors. This goes beyond disgraceful. I assume it will be OK for me to dance, hoot and holler when Hillary, Barack, Soros, Schumer meet their maker. These leftists have a special place in hell.

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