Leftists Promising to ‘Desecrate Graves’ and Protest During 154th Anniversary of Battle of Gettysburg – IOTW Report

Leftists Promising to ‘Desecrate Graves’ and Protest During 154th Anniversary of Battle of Gettysburg

Breitbart: During the first days of July, 154 years ago, a great battle was fought in and around Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, during our Civil War.

Today, as the anniversary approaches, members of the so-called “Antifa” movement are promising to “desecrate” the graves of those who fell in that fight and to mount protests as Americans gather to memorialize the battle.

Gettysburg has become a great attraction for Americans, many of whom troop there annually to celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, a conflagration that is often termed the “high tide” of the civil war for turning the war in favor of the federal armies vying to end slavery and save the union.

But as the 154th-anniversary celebration gears up for the coming month, leftists are making plans for a battle of their own. Only they plan to fight against the country, to “desecrate” history, and to disrupt the thousands of Americans and foreign visitors who intend to honor our past.  more here

36 Comments on Leftists Promising to ‘Desecrate Graves’ and Protest During 154th Anniversary of Battle of Gettysburg

  1. I have relatives that fought there.
    The reenactment groups should band together and crack some liberal skulls.
    If I had more notice and more money I would go and get me some punching and kicking practice.

  2. Lazlo, that was my first thought also. I don’t think reenactors will take kindly to idiotic actions such as these. I anticipate the good ole boys will be out in force to protect the area. Wish I was closer too.

  3. I love my American Cousins – but I truly believe that you all are in the opening stages of a second Civil War – between Left and Right. I hope I am wrong, but as a lover of history, all the beginning signs are there.

  4. The reason for this stupidity has nothing to do with the CSA. This is yet another invasion by the Yankee to try to place a degree of disrespect on the South as the opinions of the South are beginning to be the prevalent discourse of the country.

  5. I can visualize a wonderful reenactment where Spencer and Sharps carbines and Springfield and Enfield rifled muskets are put to accurate use. But, as Big Momma notes, that would not be a good thing… She’s right about the signs…

  6. Some one needs to do more than talk a good game here. This has to be stopped with an exclamation point. I hope the Oath Keepers and or the III Percenters are on top of this.

  7. I’m a Yankee, but i would hurt anybody i caught desecrating a confederate grave. Hurt badly.

    Trivia: more soldiers died after G’burg than had died before in all of the war already.

    More soldiers died in one day at Antietam than in the 3 days of G’burg.

  8. My ancestors charged up Little Round Top on the second day of fighting. They survived the battle that day and one of them even surrendered at Appomattox. It infuriates me to no end, thinking of these attention hogs desecrating monuments and graves.

    And I have ZERO faith that the Park Rangers will do anything to protect anything Confederate. They have a penchant for presenting ONLY the northern point of view.

  9. Once again, the Left proves they are in a race to find a new low of disgusting, despicable acts of anti-Americanism.

    My Great Uncle is turning over in his grave right now.

  10. “Antifa” – anti Fascist.
    Fascist = Italian Socialist
    So the ignorant “antifa” morons are anti-Italian-Socialist?
    What has that to do with Gettysburg?
    How many Italians died at Gettysburg?
    How many Italian Fascists died at Gettysburg?
    How many Anti-Italian-Fascists died at Gettysburg?

    What the fuck are they whining about?
    A group of lost morons in search of a cause.

    Stir em up, point em towards a river, and watch em drown themselves …
    Or wait for a thunderstorm and point at the clouds.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Bayouwulf….i’m in awe of the Round Top battle….both sides.

    But your comments on the Park service only promoting the North is full of shit, childish, confused, bitter. You need get over it

  12. Go for it bitches…


    S. 330, the “Veterans’ Memorial Preservation and
    Recognition Act of 2003” amends title 18 of the United States
    Code. S. 330 would create a new Federal offense for willfully
    injuring or destroying of any structure, plaque, statue, or
    other monument on public property commemorating the service of
    any person or persons in the Armed Forces of the United States
    or attempting to do so. S. 330 provides for a criminal fine or
    imprisonment of up to 10 years for those found guilty of these
    Attacks against Federal cemeteries and commemorative
    memorials affront the memory of those who sacrificed for our
    country and undermine our collective commitment to honor their
    service. The abhorrent nature of these offenses requires a
    specific criminal penalty for their commission. S. 330 meets
    this requirement by creating a specific Federal crime for
    vandalism or destruction of property at these facilities.

  13. Let’s start a Crowdfunding effort that supplies the Reenactors with a limitless supply of live ammo. Period stuff: black powder and musket balls.

    I’m picturing heavy globs of lead lodging into those matted-down dreadlock covered punkinheads. What an anniversary celebration that would be!

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