Leftists rioting in London after losing in free and fair elections – IOTW Report

Leftists rioting in London after losing in free and fair elections

26 Comments on Leftists rioting in London after losing in free and fair elections

  1. Don’t you remember conservatives protesting in the streets, hitting people with bike locks, rioting, & looting, shitting on cop cars when Obama was elected twice? Additionally doing nothing in congress other than trying to nullify election results and have him impeached?

    Yea, I don’t remember either.

  2. When the Left wants something they won’t stop until they get it, and if a no holds barred approach is needed they will go for it that way.

    I’m trying to think of instances where they failed over the last century, but nothing is coming to mind.

    Fortunately, when they finally get their way they end up collapsing with a great deal of human misery involved in the process.

    Then the whole process starts itself all over again.

    Such is human nature.

  3. Beachmom,
    I am afraid I disagree.

    They are powerful in so many ways, like the education system and the big, globalist power players. In this, however, their minions are going way over their ski tips and we all can see it.

    The true citizens of many countries are waking up to that fact, and that is the reason those leftists are now flailing, failing, and showing their true hatred for those citizens.

  4. This is why every Free Man should own a battle rifle, 15 magazines, chest rig, and 2100 rounds of ammo. The left keeps the BLM and Antifa mobs on hand to scare us into submission. We need the firepower to keep the Brown Shirts in the beer hall. Gun control is not about guns, it’s about control.

  5. Anarchism is like herpes: it never really goes away, it merely recedes into the background, waiting to flare up again. The only effective treatment is to execute a few of the more prominent ring leaders, then the rank-and-file will scurry back into their foul nests for a few more decades.

  6. Cue the Left outrages.., come next November’s landslide. Fk the antifa and the masked little pussies. They can try, but they have NO idea what is waiting if they continue down this pass. The Citizens of UK, congrats for standing up for your Country. MEGA. Make England Great Again.

  7. Why don’t they move someplace they’re wanted?
    What they want is what China is doing. They should move there.
    Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if China and Soros are combining funds to promote antifa.

  8. @Anon: “@mrhanoverfist December 13, 2019 at 4:14 pm

    > If enough of them got killed the rest would stop.

    You write that, like it’s a Good™ thing.”

    Why YES, it’s a very very very good thing!

    The only good commie is a dead commie.

  9. @Mark VII Ltd December 13, 2019 at 6:33 pm

    > Why YES, it’s a very very very good thing!

    Oh, I’m sorry. You mistook me for a cuck. Fear not, old chap! Happens all the time.

    Hmm? What? Oh. Oh, yes.

    When eliminating a herd, you never, ever, take out the front runners, first. Scatters all the rest. Then you’ve got to chase them all down. No, no. You mow them down, without scaring the rest off. Neat. Clean. Done is done.

  10. Kill a commie for your mommy! Kill two, one for her, one for you! Kill three, one for mommy, one for you and one for me! That ought to get the ban! Oh my, oh my! Well, get on board.

  11. Violent protests are an attempt to terrorize normal citizens into giving the lunatic left their way. A normally functioning govt should seize the opportunity – society’s worst aholes, all gathered together outside for easy arrest / id.


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