Leftists Teach Blacks That Whites Are No Good – Here is the Result – IOTW Report

Leftists Teach Blacks That Whites Are No Good – Here is the Result

But, there is always the unintended repercussions of the left’s asinine beliefs. There will be a backlash, and it won’t be pretty.

Hitting someone with glasses shows either a sadistic nature or a low IQ. I believe we are witnessing both. Extinguish this feral beast. You might as well have a wild hog running the hallways of your school.

44 Comments on Leftists Teach Blacks That Whites Are No Good – Here is the Result

  1. I see too many videos of blacks senselessly attacking whites so I’ll pass.

    The fact is the pass blacks have been given is destroying pretty much any chance of a civil society. What can’t go on, won’t.

    here’s Jan/2023 skip the fucking video, most of us have survived a beatdown-https://vdare.com/articles/about-35-black-on-white-homicides-give-or-take-a-few-asians-january-2023-another-month-in-the-death-of-white-america

    Take a good look at the photos of these blacks, soul less dead eyes that would get you to kneel down, after they’ve robbed you of everything, and shoot you in the back of the head.

    and of course, they always eat their own as well-here’s some prime evidence as a noted black victim professor gets booted out of his own anti-white class! https://compactmag.com/article/a-black-professor-trapped-in-anti-racist-hell

  2. “moderation Fur?”
    I agree. How about a , “Viewer warning, this video shows example number 65434567 of black on white crime, where the white guy does nothing wrong and the black guy is not punished in any way”.

    I hate videos like this, all it does is stir feelings both unsavory and judgmental, like how great it would have been if President Lincoln got his wish and sent all the black folks back to Africa, all on the taxpayer’s dime.

  3. I see too many videos of blacks senselessly attacking whites so I’ll pass.

    The fact is the pass blacks have been given is destroying pretty much any chance of a civil society. What can’t go on, won’t.

    here’s Jan/2023 skip the fucking video, most of us have survived a beatdown-https://vdare ADD.COM HERE/articles/about-35-black-on-white-homicides-give-or-take-a-few-asians-january-2023-another-month-in-the-death-of-white-america

    Take a good look at the photos of these blacks, soul less dead eyes that would get you to kneel down, after they’ve robbed you of everything, and shoot you in the back of the head.

    and of course, they always eat their own as well-here’s some prime evidence as a noted black victim professor gets booted out of his own anti-white class! https://compactmagADD.COM HERE/article/a-black-professor-trapped-in-anti-racist-hell

  4. “Hitting someone with glasses shows either a sadistic nature or a low IQ. ”

    …The Khmer Rouge killed everyone wearing glasses because they thought they were “too intellectual” looking.

    ht tps://www.shadowsofutopia.com/blog/did-the-khmer-rouge-really-kill-everyone-who-wore-glasses

    … it never seems to matter where Communism starts. It always ends in completely arbitrary killing.


  5. Rich, these make my blood boil too but I would rather confirm what I already knew…
    Shit like that cartoon Disney just produced will foment more of this.

    Reality needs to be presented to counter all the “White Guilt” some of these young people being shamed into believing.

  6. Am I the only one wondering why somebody was filming this?

    Because anytime a black student approaches a white student there is an excellent chance it will end in a beating?

    I vote for Low IQ

  7. Republican Lincoln didn’t get a chance to return former slaves to Africa because Democrat Johnson became president once Democrat Booth assassinated him.

    Democrats have been operating this way for a long time.

    And they NEVER give up their slaves…

  8. I read the other day that less than 5% of males has ever been in a fight. That’s a problem when you’re facing an animal. The white kid should have gotten his ass out of that chair immediately. But these animals depend on their acceleration of violence to win. Its a hot short fuse. Best learn how to survive it. MMA gyms offer street survival classes. They will teach you how to combat wildly thrown punches in quick succession. The reason they fight like that is because they suck.

  9. “I have to say that I never used to be prejudiced.”
    That’s exactly the Marxist/leftist plan. It’s been going on for generations. Leftists have brainwashed mainly a Democrat black American slave class to believe racist lies about whites. This creates a weaponized legion of violent black criminals, understandably despised by law abiding people.
    Consequently, as planned, all black Americans are viewed in general as hateful, worthless, violent criminals, incapable of contributing to society.

    Leftist controlled black Americans (not so much black Africans) are so gullible, self-hating and self-destructive they are exceptionally receptive to Marxist tactics designed to destroy them, refusing to believe the left is their true enemy.

  10. Brad’s right. The white kid needs defense skills. Being assaulted by that evil little black bastard calls for self defense. Even though the white kid might be kicked out of school for defending himself, at least he wouldn’t have a concussion, black eyes and knocked out teeth.

  11. Unfortunately they are proving the old white racists entirely correct. The 1800s through 1940s racists, not nor ‘modern version’. Left to run they will burn out the cities comprehensively. Countryville, regardless of race, isn’t yet going along with the destruction. Only positive, they’ll likely stay in the wasteland as long as someone keeps feeding them.

  12. So which is more likely to set off a riot….
    Blacks at a White nightclub….or….
    Whites at a Black nightclub….

    The Talk: Non-Black Version” by John Derbyshire….
    Have it with your family….
    It might save a life….and some heartache.


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