Leftists worry Dems are committing political suicide – IOTW Report

Leftists worry Dems are committing political suicide

Breitbart: Leftist Magazines ‘Jacobin,’ ‘The Nation’ Warn Democrats of Negative Impeachment Consequences.

As talks of impeachment continue to swirl within the Democrat Party, two individuals from The Nation and Jacobin who have been studying the issue are warning that it is merely political and will most likely end negatively for those on the left.

In his latest work for The Nation, Aaron Maté looks into the case for impeachment and insists it could be a consequential risk for Democrats to take.

While he says President Donald Trump “clearly engaged in unethical conduct” when he asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to assist with an investigation into Joe Biden, Maté also questions whether this particular issue “rises to the level of impeachment.”

In the piece, titled, “The Ukraine Scandal Might Be a Bad Gambit for Democrats,” Maté discusses the Democrats’ sudden urge to move to impeach Trump before the whistleblower complaint and White House transcript were released.

Maté noted:

The complaint references a ‘word-for-word transcript’ produced by the Situation Room. If that is different from the one released by the White House, then perhaps there is still a smoking gun to be found. But if not, then as it stands, Democrats would be pushing for the most serious verdict possible, removal of the president from office, on a shaky case.

It is worth asking why Trump’s behavior was already deemed impeachment-worthy before such critical pieces of evidence were available.

Maté also called attention to “Russiagate,” which he considers an unsuccessful attempt to sabotage President Trump. read more

11 Comments on Leftists worry Dems are committing political suicide

  1. so … there are 2 lemmings in the herd saying, “um, is this a good idea?” … as they plunge over the cliff …

    but, but … we’re the smart ones! … Trump’s like, stupid …. all of them are, like, so stuuuuuuupid!

    when you are so smugly ‘superior’ … Proverbs 16:18

  2. A lot of people on the tee vee have been saying that SanFranNan “caved” to the far Left lunatics of the party (okay, they didn’t actually say “lunatics”, but we know what they meant). But they got that wrong, too! SanFranNan may be 180 years old, but she’s still a Lefty hep cat. She *is* the lunatic Left.

  3. TDS suicide… He knows how to play them. Best POTUS ever.

    Reporter fact checks if Trump is impeached he can run for 2 more terms. Says that is fake that the constitution only allow for a president to have 2 terms. Well if he is impeached during one shouldn’t he get a do over.

  4. “It is worth asking why Trump’s behavior was already deemed impeachment-worthy before such critical pieces of evidence were available.”
    How about “Why is the ocean near the shore”?
    The fact that they had to ask that question in a
    non-rhetocical manner is damning for the entire bunch.


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