Left’s Policy on Guns & Mental Health Turns on a Stiletto – IOTW Report

Left’s Policy on Guns & Mental Health Turns on a Stiletto

CFP: Up until quite recently the official policy on the left was to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally unstable. A CNN propagandist wrote, “If there’s anything both sides of America’s heated and polarizing gun debate may agree on, it’s the need to keep firearms out of the hands of people with serious mental illness.”

The gun control group “Before It Starts” asked petition signers to, “Support stricter gun control by giving law enforcement and mental health professionals the obligation for independent mental health screening for gun permits…It’s not the gun, but the people who are permitted to use them.”

And New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo neatly summed up the left’s former argument when he declared, “People who have mental health issues should not have guns.”

So why is the left now demanding the mentally ill have access to the most dangerous weapons in the US arsenal while still in the grip of their psychosis?

I don’t want a man who thinks he’s Napoleon Bonaparte cruising in a boomer beneath the polar ice cap any more than I want a man who thinks he’s a woman sitting in a Montana missile silo.

GI Joe and GI Jane are different people, not different facets of the same person.

Normally the left assures a gullible public that it has science coming out of its ears, but in the case of “transgender” individuals they are going to let delusion set the agenda. And make no mistake — these poor, confused people are seriously deluded and mentally ill.  more here

6 Comments on Left’s Policy on Guns & Mental Health Turns on a Stiletto

  1. Libtards can modify definitions any time they want. It’s in their handbook. Several weeks ago they swapped definitions. Heterosexual people are now mentially suspect, and deviants are now normal.

  2. If we let all the nonfelons carry (unless clinically & legally diagnosed as crazy), then there won’t be much issue with the few crazies as the sane ones will stop them. Problem is that liberals ‘feel’ that it won’t work, despite all the proof.

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