Leftwits Hoping That Obama Announces Executive Order Tonight That Will Create a National Gun Ban – IOTW Report

Leftwits Hoping That Obama Announces Executive Order Tonight That Will Create a National Gun Ban

Maryland Attorney Genera says BAN ALL GUNS

Mass confiscation once and for all.

48 Comments on Leftwits Hoping That Obama Announces Executive Order Tonight That Will Create a National Gun Ban

  1. The leftwits are projecting their cowardice an an awesome display of stupidity and total lack of awareness of the world outside their intestinal-gas-filled collectivist bubble.

    No executive order, not even a legislated law, will have more than a token effect on American gun ownership. But the thing that’s as obvious as a rotting corpse in a perfume shop is that any govt attempt to actually seize guns will trigger more “gun violence” than anything in US history, possibly even proportionally more than the 1861-65 War of Secession.

    Obliviots. Fatally dangerous obliviots.

  2. Please lecture us on gun confiscatio…er common sense laws instead of your complete failure in foreign policy. This is going to be a winner for the upcoming election.

    Deporting 12 million illegal invaders, impossible.
    Disarming 170 million gun owners, no problem.

  3. How is it gun banning when it’s central ownership within the government? The single owner of weapons would be the most pro-gun party in the country. Let’s hear from the 1/4 billion or so citizens that died by the hands of their government in the past, after being disarmed first; do you think they might have something to say if they could talk? Oh right, let’s hear how it’s different this time…..


    Presidential candidate Sanders proudly outs himself as a socialist, the masses swoon.

    Marriage is made a farce to destroy it and the family.

    America is surrendered to the Taliban, and Al Qaeda, while Marxist doctrine (multiculturalism) fostes an Islamic State homeland.

    Your last resort; healthcare, is nationalized. Rationing begins.

    Ninety four million Americans looking for work find none while the modern equivalent of a breadline is celebrated by the Marxists in control.

    The NYT (The Daily Bolshevik) runs a front page gun confiscation editorial to distract from the Islamic soldiers slaughtering innocent Americans in California. The other two Bolshevik presidential candidates agitate for confiscation while bullets are still flying in the street fight.

    If Red Barry announces confiscation, the next day will see civil war.

  5. Can anyone say civil war? Is that what it’s going to take to get rid of this traitorous bastard? Does anyone have the guts to arrest and frog march him out of the white hut in manacles and chains if necessary if he refuses to comply? I hate to say this or even think this but what’s it going to take to make him realize he is not a dictator. God help us!

  6. So if banning things actually works, then I must assume that the San Bernadino Moslem shooters used legal 10 round capacity mags, right? Because Hi-capacity mags are BANNED in Cali, and of course they wouldn’t use ILLEGAL mags to unlawfully murder people in Cali.

  7. It would be easier for us gun clingers to eliminate all the progtards.
    1. All firearms cleaned, oiled and in perfect working order. Check
    2. All ammo in peak inventory status. Check
    3. All household personnel have up to date training. Check
    Bring it on, mf’ers.

  8. As with almost all of his speeches, Little Lord Stompy Foot is going to try to have it both ways (remember his “I could no more disown” speech when he included a small line about legitimate white concerns, just to show he was fair, but devoted the rest of the speech to how white Americans should acknowledge the “legacy of discrimination … and current incidents of discrimination.”).

    He is going to out-an-out say that he is not going to take your guns, and it’s silly of you to think so, but then he is going to talk about all the ways he wants to move the needle slightly further in the confiscation direction.

    Myself, never owned a gun, never needed to. But I’m beginning to think it might be time for that to change. More than on a personal basis though, the idea of the government slowly stripping away the rights of citizens is abhorrent.

  9. Go for it Marty. Take that bravery and be at the forefront of the confiscation. Don’t wait on the sidelines for crissakes, lead by example. Get yourself a flashlight, a megaphone and a helmet and bang on some doors!

  10. The Democrat Party is composed of two groups: The Dindoonuffins and the Doosumpins. Obama’s speeches usually either excuse the former or appease the latter. Tonight is a Doosumpin night.

  11. Bought 2 guns at Cabelas four hours ago and background still hasn’t processed. The line to purchase/pick-up was 4 hours long. Obama is the best thing that ever happened for gun companies.

  12. If banning guns is such a good idea, even though an armed populace is protected by the 2nd Amendment, why doesn’t he just ban mass shootings, which AREN’T protected by ANY Amendment?

  13. Supposedly, they tried (unsucessfully) to convert one of the ARs to select/full-auto. Pretty much impossible unless you have access to the M-16 parts, which are pretty tightly controlled; possession of them without a tax stamp is a federal offense, as is conversion from semi-to full-auto.

    The dumbest comment so far by a “journalist” was that converting from the California-required “bullet-button” mag release to the conventional push-button mag release would accomplish the semi- to full- conversion.

  14. Yes, the only people who should be allowed to have guns are the same people that gave us:

    1) The Patriot Act
    2) Mass NSA surveillance of citizens
    3) The jailing of journalists
    4) The killing of American citizens without due process
    5) The vilification of whistle blowers
    6) Republicans as “enemies”
    7) The TSA
    8) An 18 trillion dollar debt

    Yes, by all means, it must be the citizens who must be disarmed. They are obviously out of control.

  15. How do you eat an Elephant?
    One bite at a time.

    Pick a couple of high profile gun people, send in the BATFE, kill them and their families, feed your narrative to the press.

    The sheeple fall in line, handing over their arms voluntarily.

    Presto-Change-O! The 2nd becomes moot.

    Think that’s beyond his sense of morality?

    Guess again.

  16. Tim,

    They could ban anything they want, including the 2nd Amendment and I still wouldn’t give up my guns.


    Obama understands exactly this – which is why he is utterly powerless in the realistic sense. Better yet – HE KNOWS that we know he’s powerless.

    I’ll sleep well again, tonight.

  17. Obviously, O’Malley and his liberal ilk believe (with good reason) that the good progressives who vote him into office are completely incapable of owning any firearms – just like they are incapable of doing anything without government assistance. And I tend to agree with him – the primary threat of gun violence comes from those amoral and uneducated people who populate liberal bastions.

    So let’s propose a common sense solution – gun ownership by the mentally incompetent should be prohibited, and registering or voting as a liberal or a Democrat is prima facie evidence of mental incompetence. O’Malley should then feel safer, and frankly so would I.

  18. They won’t disarm “170 million gun owners.”

    They will disarm 1 gun owner, 170 million times.

    And it’s good that you are willing to die for your beliefs – because they are willing to kill you for theirs.

  19. I see old Arnold believes in global warming too. He screwed up California, screwed his maid, now he wants to screw up America. Just cause you’re rich and famous don’t mean you got a brain.

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