Lefty Hack Comedian Can’t Understand That Hong Kong Protestors Support Trump – IOTW Report

Lefty Hack Comedian Can’t Understand That Hong Kong Protestors Support Trump


Left-wing comedian Samantha Bee traveled to Hong Kong to meet with pro-democracy protesters committed to holding “China accountable for their actions,” airing her interviews on Wednesday’s edition of Full Frontal. It came as quite a shock to the vehemently anti-Trump Bee that the protesters actually liked the President and Republican Senator Marco Rubio.

A bewildered Bee confronted one of the protesters: “This is a photograph of you with Marco Rubio and you look happy. Please explain.” The protester explained that the Florida Senator introduced the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act and invited him to join a congressional hearing on the matter. After learning this, Bee remarked “Marco Rubio did something that I like. Every day holds the possibility of a new miracle.” 


19 Comments on Lefty Hack Comedian Can’t Understand That Hong Kong Protestors Support Trump

  1. ‘Bee remarked “Marco Rubio did something that I like. Every day holds the possibility of a new miracle.”’ Well, if you’d get your head out of your a$$ and get away from the liberal echo chamber you’d find that a lot of your “enemies” do quite a few things that you’d “like”.

    Get a mind and then open it to possibilities. Real, positive possibilities.

  2. samantha bs

    well it’s nice to know she likes something rube did

    but her approval of what the rube did doesn’t feed the poor or house the homeless does it?

    so it really doesn’t matter to those that care about the homeless and poor what this bunt says

    but she did get in her virtue signal of the day

  3. Maybe a Chicom wooden bullet or truncheon up side her head would knock some sense into her. Or let her sit inside a Chicom jail cell where she can scream about her First Amendment rights for a week or two. F–king pampered idiot.

  4. “Here I thought she was dead. Didn’t I read that somewhere?”

    No, that was me. But I heard Samantha Bee murdered her boyfriend. No, wait…That was Claudine Longet. Pardon.

  5. This is how lefty’s absorb political news. Through “comedy.” It’s the only way they can feel whole in their moral conviction as they prefer to be governed by feelings.

    They’ll take Colbert, Trevor Noah, this feckless skank Samantha Bee, SNL, etc. etc., do a bit on something like abortion and ask a conservative how she could possibly be against abortion and receive the answer, “because it’s murder.” The comedian will respond sarcastically something like, “Oh.. it’s murder” with a smirk and an eyeroll and jam a finger down their throat and pretend gag. The lofos think the actions and sarcastic tone are funny as fuck so they laugh and feel morally superior about abortion without knowing anything else about it. Then they go about their lives with the Lefty Hack Comedian Card in their back pocket and noses in the air knowing they are right because a comedian made funnies about it and everyone laughed.

    It’s actually sickening to take advantage of impressionable minds with mainstream comedy like this.

  6. To me she isn’t Samantha Bee, she is Samantha C. The ‘C’ is for Cunt, which is what she is. I stopped watching anything on the cable channel that airs her so called comedy show because the station played promotional ads for her show each and every commercial break. She is a dumb bitch and she isn’t even American. Her skank ass needs to go back to Canada.

  7. @Anonymous; Oh no you don’t. This tramp was a failed comedian up here until she went down to the states and full bore left and they liked her so much they gave her her own soapbox to spew her form of “comedy” You guys made her, you get to keep her.

  8. Today, to be an actor, or comedian, or pundit, you don’t need talent, education, or even basic intelligence. All you need is a reputation as a Trump basher, and doors magically open. Samantha B-itch is just one example. Some good old boy on Youtube shooting pumpkins typically has a larger audience than this talentless, tasteless, feckless cunt.


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