Lefty Pollster Nate Silver Says Trump is Way Out in Front of Biden, and It’s Not Even Close – IOTW Report

Lefty Pollster Nate Silver Says Trump is Way Out in Front of Biden, and It’s Not Even Close


Polling expert Nate Silver has revealed his forecasting model for the 2024 presidential debate, and it doesn’t look good for Joe Biden.

The election guru’s prediction suggests that Donald Trump is favored to beat Biden, and it’s not even close.

Silver admits his model, similar to what he built for the website FiveThirtyEight for the 2020 election, isn’t perfect and there are still factors to consider in the next few months.

But his initial results show Trump has a 65.7 percent chance of winning, while Biden has just a 33.7 percent chance of victory. Silver said:

The model is ready. And here’s our headline: the presidential election isn’t a toss-up.

11 Comments on Lefty Pollster Nate Silver Says Trump is Way Out in Front of Biden, and It’s Not Even Close

  1. Well not according to FOX News. Those bastards are back at it. The friendly opposition. Fuck FOX news. You now who else fits in that category? NewMax. During an interview this week with DJT the had the running text below screen reading, “Newsmax believes the 2020 election was fair and final”. In case you didn’t know Newsmax founder is a huge Clinton donor.

    There’s one conservative news sight. That’s OAN. Try and find it. Newsmax, Fox, they’re controlled opposition.



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