Lefty Students Tear Down ‘Racist’ Steinle Posters – IOTW Report

Lefty Students Tear Down ‘Racist’ Steinle Posters

Truth Revolt: Conservative students continue mourning the death of Kate Steinle, the woman murdered by an illegal alien given sanctuary in San Francisco, and leftist students continue to be triggered by her memory.

Earlier this month, University of California-San Diego student Gregory Lu hung up 150 posters of Steinle around campus with the caption, “She had dreams too.” Days later, he was notified by the Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination requesting a meeting after it received an “online incident report.” Lu believes this is an attempt at intimidating conservative students.

UC-San Diego College Democrats called the posters “racist propaganda” against “the undocumented community.”  read more

9 Comments on Lefty Students Tear Down ‘Racist’ Steinle Posters


    Post the picture on the National Organization for Women offices. Get a hidden camera and ask them when the next march is for Kate? And if not, why?

  2. Just keep posting them and record the confrontation when the lefties (without their antifa bully boys) come to tear them down. The recordings go to the local FOX affiliate as well as the University’s Provost Office. Probably be a good idea to get examples of the left wing posters that are put up as well. Just keep at it.

  3. SCR*W this GOPe spinelessness.
    I tear down as many Leftist sh!t sheets I can that I see.
    And I highly recommend that YOU DO TOO.

    Let Shapiro, Kristol & Co. lament the sad state of affairs of “Free Speech”…if those Leftist f*ckers are gonna play that way, they can damned well live with others treating them the same way.

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