Lefty widow of Steve Jobs preaches it’s ‘wrong’ to accumulate wealth – IOTW Report

Lefty widow of Steve Jobs preaches it’s ‘wrong’ to accumulate wealth

Lefty billionaires expect us to lap up their every word.

American Thinker:

So now we have Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Steve Jobs, preaching to us about the badness of accumulated wealth.

According to TheBlaze:

“It’s not right for individuals to accumulate a massive amount of wealth that’s equivalent to millions and millions of other people combined,” Jobs told the Times. “There’s nothing fair about that. We saw that at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries with the Rockefellers and Carnegies and Mellons and Fords of the world. That kind of accumulation of wealth is dangerous for a society. It shouldn’t be this way.”

Despite that conviction, she justified her possession of her billions by saying she inherited it from her husband. But, she also won’t pass it on to the next generation because neither she nor the late Steve Jobs believed in “legacy building” in that way. From the Times:

And yet Ms. Powell Jobs is hardly apologetic. “I inherited my wealth from my husband, who didn’t care about the accumulation of wealth,” she said. “I am doing this in honor of his work, and I’ve dedicated my life to doing the very best I can to distribute it effectively, in ways that lift up individuals and communities in a sustainable way.”

“I’m not interested in legacy wealth buildings, and my children know that,” she added. “Steve wasn’t interested in that. If I live long enough, it ends with me.”

That is a little…rich.  Here she is living on inherited wealth that she never earned herself, and she’s preaching away at the badness of it to everyone else.  read more

29 Comments on Lefty widow of Steve Jobs preaches it’s ‘wrong’ to accumulate wealth

  1. Ha ha ha ha … can we spell “hypocrite?”

    “I got $Billions by marriage – so fuck you!”
    He accumulated $Billions but didn’t care about wealth accumulation? Then why wasn’t it evenly distributed among his employees from the start?

    I smell bullshit!

    Not just a hypocrite; a lying hypocrite.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This is just the “shield” they hold up to protect themselves from criticism. Hollywood does it all the time. Being pretty, rich and White is a liability unless you denounce it!… then yer absolved. Aaaaaannnnnd when you announce yer a liberal democRAT you get a gig. Being Gay may even get you top billing! See how it works?

  3. Accumulated wealth, if converted into something nonproductive, is rather useless. It is ego-driven waste to purchase expensive art or jewelry – but it is still the personal choice of the individual to spend his wealth as he pleases. But accumulated wealth, invested into business development and growth, is leveraging it to create more.

  4. Gee, another “I got mine, fuck the rest of you” type.
    The only difference between her and any other limolibtard is the size of the reality gap her personal fortune allows.

  5. Okay honey, you can just get rid of that 8 billion by donating to the construction of the Southern Border Wall “NOW”. You’d be doing more to help the poor in this country by keeping the Illegals out than anything you can imagine, Besides, you still receive enough income from Apple each year to keep you well financed in your accustomed lifestyle.

  6. Typical stay away from me with the pitch forks. It is okay because her husband didn’t care about the accumulation wealth and she knows best how to distribute it effectively. However you do not and therefore you should be taxed and told how to live by those like her and mini mike that were able to accumulate or inherit such wealth.

  7. Best thing some folks should do is keep their mouths shut. Her hubby was a genius, but also a gargantuan asshole. He thought he knew better than modern medicine, and it killed him.

    In the immortal words of Samuel L. Jacson:

    “Bitch, please!”

  8. I don’t want to hear a peep from those that have forever wealth after zero effort, the wisdom will come from the ones that tapped into their retirement savings in order to start a new business or put their children through school.

  9. I wonder how people like Jobs would react to videos of China’s Cultural Revolution in which anyone even vaguely connected to Western ideology were forced to denounce their “crimes” in a “Struggle Meeting”. What the Left is conducting among their adherents is exactly the same thing; making them denounce their crimes of privilege, whiteness, maleness, wealth, heterosexuality, age, and so on.

    Meanwhile, in Germany, under the Nazis, people flew the swastika and “heiled” Hitler even if they had friends and neighbors hustled off in the night to the rail stations or shot dead in the streets.

    Both groups were motivated by fear of being called what they publicly denounced.

    It’s not surprising that a person brainwashed by the Left would feel strong pangs of guilt — have class consciousness — and want to denounce their pitiable “condition.”

    The pathetic aspect to all this is that the Declaration of Independence already addresses the solution to so-called class: “All men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…”

  10. Carnegie Libraries (THOUSANDS of them)
    Acadia National Park
    Grand Tetons National Park
    …..the list would be HUGE but I won’t waste the time to write it out. The families she slammed left much for the benefit of humanity.

    What have you done maam?!
    Other that lay with Steve Jobs, who left plenty to be appreciated (I can’t imagine exercising without an iPod, for one example)

  11. It’s gotten to the point that re-posting from “American” (don’t laugh) “Thinker” (do what you gotta do), is not “just”, but exactly, like Tweeting the link of your own YouTube video — where you “challenged” (challenge accepted) the special ed kid to eat somebody else’s booger.

  12. I selflessly offer my help to relieve you of your burden, Laurene. Send me as much of those terrible dollars as you wish, and don’t worry about the negative effects it may have on my life. I just want to help.

  13. Well why did she not say something to Jobs about making the apple products in America then? They could of built American factories and paid higher wages but didn’t they went for the biggest bang for their wealth creation by going with slave labor wages.


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