Legal Cheating… – IOTW Report

Legal Cheating…

13 Comments on Legal Cheating…

  1. Yes, but it was just a small amount of testicles.

    For personal use only.

    Just under the Legal Amount to be charged with Traficking of Illegal Testicles.

    So no Jail Time or Criminal Record.

  2. Kcir – Yes, but it was just a small amount of testicles. For personal use only.

    Don’t fergit the disclamer:
    Reactions can include headaches, acute jonesing for escargot, and susceptibility to caffeine poisoning. In some patients there is a small risk of disbelief, apathy, hives, nausea and vomiting,
    diarrhea and revulsion. If you experience any of these symptoms it is important to cut off use of testicles and seek attention at your nearest gynecologist.


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