Legal Experts: Michael Cohen TikTok Videos, Fundraising May Have ‘Torpedoed’ NY Trump Prosecution – IOTW Report

Legal Experts: Michael Cohen TikTok Videos, Fundraising May Have ‘Torpedoed’ NY Trump Prosecution


Legal experts have been sounding the alarm that former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s TikTok fundraising videos may have “torpedoed” New York’s prosecution of the former president.

This past Sunday, ABC News published an article about how Michael Cohen “cashing in on the Trump trial with TikTok livestreams could be a problem.”  MORE

6 Comments on Legal Experts: Michael Cohen TikTok Videos, Fundraising May Have ‘Torpedoed’ NY Trump Prosecution

  1. The complete control they have over the trial and the jury will most likely make this revelation irrelevant.

    Cohen’s a convicted liar, so why the hell would any judge worth their brain matter’s weight in lead allow him to be a witness?


  2. Facts don’t matter? Those facts would be what? The fact that he is an habitual liar, the fact that he lives for the lie. We will see exactly how “facts” playout this next election. Support a clown who comes with his own cirus. Most already know this answer. A hard focking no to bozo.

  3. Most jurisdictions have witness exclusion rules; if a party plans on calling certain witnesses, they are excluded from the courtroom until they are done testifying. Listening to Tik Tok streams and then commenting on that testimony may effectively eliminate Cohen as a witness.

    Not that Cohen would be much as a witness as he has effectively impeached himself numerous times already.


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