CA: Legislators Kill Transparency Pricing at the Pump – IOTW Report

CA: Legislators Kill Transparency Pricing at the Pump

CPR: Californians now pay as much as $1.00 more per gallon of fuel than the rest of the country. Shouldn’t the motoring public know why?

A bill in the California Legislature to do just that was Senate Bill 1074, by state Sen. John Moorlach, R-Costa Mesa. Called “Disclosure of government-imposed costs,” it would have required gas stations to post near each gas pump a list of cost factors, such as federal, state and local taxes, costs associated with environmental rules and regulations including the cap-and-trade tax.

Numerous folks and organizations spoke in support of the bill at an April 23 hearing before the Senate Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development. I testified myself. Absolutely no one from the public spoke in opposition.

But the Democratic-controlled committee didn’t want the public to know why we’re paying so much, and voted to kill the bill from future consideration.  read more


10 Comments on CA: Legislators Kill Transparency Pricing at the Pump

  1. @Bad_Brad: It seems like California has forgotten to heed its old water conservation slogan:

    “If it’s yellow, let it mellow; if it’s Brown, flush it down.”


  2. The oil companies should post this info at every gas station. A pie chart works well especially with the low IQ crowd. Our power bill has a nice itemized bill that includes our share of “dam removal” brought to us courtesy of the enviro Nazis.

  3. California – close your eyes, cover your ears, and scream.
    That’ll keep out all semblance of fact, truth, or any other kind of reality from interfering.

    If we pretend that every trip is a Sunday outing, doesn’t that make even the train ride to the Concentration Camp pleasant?
    “We are the Woooooorrrrrlllllllldddddd …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. There was one location in CA – a northAmerican Van Lines yard – that provided a complete breakdown of all charges when I bought fuel there. It was boggling back then. Not only the amounts, but the number of fingers in my pocket.

  5. Who needs A .gov MANDATE requiring something you can already do if you want to? What do these people need next, a government mandate to use toilet paper?

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