Lego Celebrates Pride Month With “Everyone Is Awesome” Set – IOTW Report

Lego Celebrates Pride Month With “Everyone Is Awesome” Set


The multicolored set features 11 single-colored, non-gendered figurines that together form a rainbow with black and brown stripes as well as the “transgender flag colors,” LGBTQ Nation reported Thursday. More

26 Comments on Lego Celebrates Pride Month With “Everyone Is Awesome” Set

  1. I once sold an old, unopened set on ebay for $1200 bucks.
    My brother and I had sets before characters and we made our own people.
    They were blue, red, yellow, it didn’t FUCKING MATTER!
    Good times are OVER unless fierce push-back on these asswagons.

  2. First of all, the so called rainbow colors presented are an insufficient representation of genders. This is outlandish! We all know there are over 57 genders, with 11 different herbs and spice variants, plus an unknown number of splodey isodopes, some of which decay into other genders via “beta male decay.”

  3. First off, I hate Pride month. Why should we (all the normal heterosexual people) be forced celebrate all the queers perversion. And todays Babylon Bee has 2 LEGO related articles, no. 1, In honor of In honor of Pride month LEGO introduces Sodom and Gomorrah playset and no. 2, LEGO unveils new genderless bricks with no no male/ female connectors.

  4. …whatever happened to all the smiting? Seems like there’s plenty of smiting to be done, and God used to be SUPER into it…

    …good times, good times…

  5. Am I the only one who sees the irony here?

    A company that makes building sets made up of plastic pieces containing male components that will only connect to female components and vice versa, is celebrating gender pairings that would render its building sets inoperable.


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