Lena Dunham As Sexy as Ever – IOTW Report

Lena Dunham As Sexy as Ever

ht- refuse/resist. <———- blame him

49 Comments on Lena Dunham As Sexy as Ever

  1. I think people like Dunham actually go away quicker if you don’t feature them in a 3:20 YT video. Face it, it’s the Dunham’s of the world who make monetizing YT possible. Can’t have it both ways.

  2. Lena Dumbshit thinks she can force you to watch, force you to like it, and force you to think she’s drop dead gorgeous. She’s just diverse. And you fuckers better get a clue. Mooooo.

  3. Talked to a guy who met her in a nightclub one night and they ended up getting really drunk and going back to his place.

    She was all over him in the taxi, stroking and caressing his body and whispering filth into his ear, but as soon as she got through the front door she stiffened up and her attitude changed completely.

    “What the fuck is that pathetic little thing?” she demanded. “How the hell do you think that you’re going to satisfy me with that?”

    “I’m sorry, Lena,” he replied, “it’s the biggest refrigerator I could afford.”

  4. She came on to him again in the pub last Saturday night, squeezed his ass and said, “Give me your number, sexy.”
    He replied “Have you got a pen?”
    She smiled and said “Yes.”
    He replied, “Well you better get back to it, before the farmer notices you’re missing.”

  5. Hindsight is always 20/20, isn’t it? My original formal study in college was to become a psychologist but I found the professors to all be off-balance so I changed my degree. But if I only had a crystal ball and could see 50 years into the future I would know that today’s liberals would have made me a very wealthy man. (sigh)

  6. Dunham would fit right into the subsidized housing building behind my house.
    We have “Back Boobs”
    “Drew Carey” and her partner “The Big One”
    They’d love it if Dunham would go visit. She’s a low rent kind of person.

  7. She wants sex, which is written on her shirt. I advise her to check out the Farmer John pork processing plant on Vernon Ave in LA. She might find a big hog that’s willing to satisfy her. The risk for her is her huge hams. She could well be mistaken for a pig herself (an easy mistake to make) and end up as part of several packages of sausages.

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