Lena Dunham kisses a man she doesn’t know on the lips – IOTW Report

Lena Dunham kisses a man she doesn’t know on the lips

American Thinker-

What kind of person walks up to someone she doesn’t know and then kisses him on the lips?

Only some kind of pervert. And sure enough, Lena Dunham is in the middle here. She walked up to A-list actor Brad Pitt at some Hollywood event and intrusively kissed the man on the lips. Stealing a kiss? More like an unwilling assault. Pitt clearly didn’t want her doing this.

According to Breitbart News:

Left-wing actress Lena Dunham is under fire for what many media members are saying is her awkward attempt to kiss A-lister Brad Pitt on the lips during the premiere of Once Upon a Time In Hollywood.

Recently surfaced photos show the Girls creator and actress attempting to kiss Pitt on the lips, sparking a flurry of headlines about her purported sexual misconduct:


37 Comments on Lena Dunham kisses a man she doesn’t know on the lips

  1. That disgusting fucking cow. Pitt should’ve slapped that pig square in the face. Imagine if some ugly male costar had tried that kind of shit with a good looking actress? He’d receive no end of shit for it.

  2. I would feel upset if she did this to Clint Eastwood.

    Fuck all 3 of these shitheads. They are all lefty, Hollywood greeny socialists who gave Obama A “Rusty Trombone” and live on Yachts.

  3. How was that gastropod able to get up on its hind legs. And where is the handler who is supposed to walk behind mopping up the trail of deep fryer oil

  4. I thought she was a big dyke after she admitted to sexually abusing her younger sister in her book.

    That pucker has kissed more fish than Neptune. And more mufflers than Midas.


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