Lesbian Couple Accuse Neighbor of Hate Crime – Burning Their House Down – IOTW Report

Lesbian Couple Accuse Neighbor of Hate Crime – Burning Their House Down

Turns out they torched their own house for the casheesh, scapegoating the neighbor because, as “everyone knows,” people burn down lesbian houses. It happens all the time. In fact, it’s a crisis.

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22 Comments on Lesbian Couple Accuse Neighbor of Hate Crime – Burning Their House Down

  1. talk about self loathing.
    they burn down their own house after spray painting “queer” on the side of it.

    I am not a psychiatrist and don’t play one on tv, but come on.

    these people’s real problem is themselves and the fact that they hate themselves.

    it’s a shame the ruling elite don’t want any programs aimed at curing this homosexual mental illness, these women could have benefited from such a program.

  2. Did I read that right? Not only did they fake the arson and the graffiti, they also SUED the neighbor who did nothing?

    May they be forced to repay every cent they’ve cost the neighbor for having to defend herself, and much punitive $$$ on top of it.

    Oh, and prison.

  3. The worst part is, that instead of the progressive press giving a venue to psychiatrists to discuss the mental health problem surrounding this issue, they just get a “spokesperson from the homosexual community” to tell everyone that this instance is faked but this type of hate against same sex couples is rampant.

    What about the hate from same sex couples aimed against normal people by suing them for something they didn’t do? That is the taboo subject.

  4. No. The LGBT community would respond, “…theyre only manifesting previous real life traumas of LGBT everywhere”. This angle has already been used more than once.

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  1. Lesbians Burn Down Their House For Insurance, Accuse Neighbor of Homophobic Hate Crime | Cultural Marxism

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