Lessons For The Left: How China Handles Fake News And Cuts Off 700 Million Web Users From The World – IOTW Report

Lessons For The Left: How China Handles Fake News And Cuts Off 700 Million Web Users From The World

There are an estimated 100,000 people at all levels of government involved in censoring the internet. China utilizes three main approaches: IP blocking, DNS filtering and redirection, and URL and packet filtering.

Daily Caller:

Ongoing efforts in the U.S. to censor the internet in response to a liberal outcry over “fake news” follow in the footsteps of a country notorious for its internet censorship practices.

There is a growing controversy in the U.S. over the issue of “fake news.” The discussion has taken on very partisan political overtones, with some critics using the “fake news” label to condemn legitimate news sources and articles that present information inconsistent with their particular political views. For instance, many left-wing critics blame the intentional spread of disinformation for President-elect Donald Trump’s surprising victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.

Some people are now calling for internet censorship on prominent social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, as well as primary search engines like Google, as a solution.

While the current situation is an emerging problem in the U.S., internet censorship for various political purposes is not a new issue in countries like China.

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8 Comments on Lessons For The Left: How China Handles Fake News And Cuts Off 700 Million Web Users From The World

  1. The heart of the matter is a few words, “…the U.S. is still largely committed to the pursuit of factual accuracy…”

    Why the fuck is that anyone’s business in the first place? If REgressives can flock to sites like DU, KOS or Common Dreams to get their information-bet your ass these sites will never be subjected to any kind of scrutiny-then why are sites that I believe present my side, under fire?

    I know, that’s rhetorical.

    I consistently find numerous factual misrepresentations on REgressive sites and if I try and argue them, I’m banned, which is fair, it’s their dime. But that’s a world of difference from the government coming down on CTH with a DNS.

    Hell, I’ve been banned from RedState for years-what’s that say about the Sweaty Thumb?

  2. “He who controls the present, controls the past; and thus, the future.”

    Keep the slaves busy and ignorant. Or, as they used to say at work: “Treat em like mushrooms; feed em shit and keep em in the dark.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “…many left-wing critics blame the intentional spread of disinformation…”.

    Oh…do they mean the decades of lies, distortions, self-censhoship and disinformation from the Mainstream Media? Somehow, I doubt it….

  4. Go to any leftist site and you will clearly be greeted with fake news, somewhere. I’ve yet to find a liberal that doesn’t fire off at least one totally fake fact, and they’ll hang onto that point until you either slug them or walk away. For example, remember when Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from Alaska?

    To this day I can still find liberals that swear up and down that Sarah did in fact say this! And that’s not the most disturbing thing about this belief, nope, rather it’s that liberals perceive this supposed quote by Sarah as being a huge character flaw.

    I’ve never seen this kind of vitriol from the right. Sure there are occasional things that are a bit of a stretch when adding context, but it’s mostly based upon prior fact.

  5. > There is a growing controversy in the U.S. over the issue of “fake news.”

    No. There was “controversy” over twelve out of every ten men beating their womyn during Super Bowl halftimes. This time, all the political officers got the memo before the announcement.

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