Lest We Forget: These Reporters Won Pulitzer Prizes For ‘Deeply Sourced’ Russia Reporting – IOTW Report

Lest We Forget: These Reporters Won Pulitzer Prizes For ‘Deeply Sourced’ Russia Reporting

TH: Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report vindicated President Donald Trump of colluding with Russia. He’s been exonerated of obstruction of justice, yet we have the mainstream liberal news media who wants to continue to push the idea that we don’t know the full story, that there’s still some sort of smoking gun.

Let’s not forget that The Washington Post and The New York Times won the 2018 Pultizer Prize for their national reporting of President Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia. They were awarded $15,000 in a joint prize.

The “award winning” journalists include Maggie Haberman, Jo Becker, Matt Apuzzo and Mark Mazetti from The Times and Rosalind Helderman, Tom Hamburger, Ellen Nakashima, Adam Entous and Greg Miller from WaPo.

They received the award “For deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest that dramatically furthered the nation’s understanding of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign, the President-elect’s transition team and his eventual administration. (The New York Times entry, submitted in this category, was moved into contention by the Board and then jointly awarded the Prize.)”

Deeply sourced? Hardly.

Relentlessly reported? Definitely.

The Times was so proud of their award that they even bragged about it…in an article…on their website (emphasis mine):  READ

h/t Groucho Marxist.

24 Comments on Lest We Forget: These Reporters Won Pulitzer Prizes For ‘Deeply Sourced’ Russia Reporting

  1. I wonder whether the Pulitzer awards committee will come out with a public apology for awarding Pulitzer’s to two most undeserving media entities. I mean, The Nobel people apologized for Obama.

  2. Did they ever rescind Walter Duranty’s for reporting on the Ukrainian famine?

    Obama’s Nobel for peace before taking office?

    Marisa Tomei getting an Oscar for My Cousin Vinnie.

    Awards, like college educations, are not decided by merit anymore. And haven’t been for some time.

  3. The Pulitzer Prize, like every other participation trophy “award” For Liberals Only is utterly worthless. It belongs on the Ash Heap of Meaningless Awards right beside the Oscar, the Emmy, and the Nobel Peace Prize.

  4. The NYT just ran an ad on msnbc
    Dan Rather blatent
    Blasting to their troops all is not lost.
    . . .but they know it is. All Lost, Libs. ALL is LOST.

    WaPoo on tenterhooks waiting for Bezos orders.
    . . .blowing in the wind.

  5. Just change the Pulitzer prize they received to “Best Fiction” and I’d be happy. Any bets on which will return the $ out of sheer embarrassment or professional diligence? Yea, I didn’t think so

  6. Where are all the “deeply sourced” investigations on the Obama college records, phony birth certificate, social security number and connections to arab radicals?

  7. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had to make a donation to these phony award organizations to be selected. Same as parents of unqualified students getting into colleges these days. I wonder how much a phony Pulitzer Prize is booking for???

  8. The Award for Best Narrative Recital Against The Preferred Enemy.

    The Baldwin Award:
    Only closers get covfefe.

    The Maddow:
    Don’t lie like a rug, munch on one.

    The Wolf:
    Never before have so many, said so much, about so little

    The Rather:
    The Mark Twain for idiots award. The race is hotter than Houston asphalt and stuffier than a New York tenement elevator used as a hobo outhouse in July.

    Other potentials;

    The Donny Deutschmark, The Sissy Matthews Tingle Invitational, The SE Cupp Bronze Bra. For the most daft, contradictory, contrary position taken by a fake conservative.

    That award is currently sitting on Kat Timpf’s cubicle. Her reign as chairman of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee will forever be in jeopardy to Jennifer Rubin and Peggy Noonan who is a lifetime achievement recipient of the Golden Harpie.

  9. @Anonymous

    oops, sorry. this was my “contribution” to the discussion:

    I’ve called it the Pewlitzer Prize before. That’ll be its name from now on.

    It stinks.


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