Let the Record Show That This Censorship Crap Is Coming From the Left – IOTW Report

Let the Record Show That This Censorship Crap Is Coming From the Left

The last time the issue of censorship was argued on Capitol Hill it was the left that was doing the censoring. Tipper Gore’s initiative led to musicians testifying before congress and complaining that what they were doing was an assault on the 1st amendment.

Pedants like to argue that Microsoft is a private company, so by definition they can’t be engaging in censorship.

So what should we call what they are doing?


Microsoft is cracking down on what people say while using their services online. According to a new services agreement written by the company, the tech giant is planning to ban accounts that use “offensive language” and will go through your private data to “investigate” users.

In a March 1 release, Microsoft is warning customers using Office, Xbox, Skype, and other products that the company is prohibiting offensive language and inappropriate content starting on May 1. “Don’t publicly display or use the Services to share inappropriate content or material (involving, for example, nudity, bestiality, pornography, offensive language, graphic violence, or criminal activity),” Microsoft warns in a portion of their new codes of conduct.

Microsoft also added that the company plans on “investigating” users who are accused of violating the new policy and will block content from being sent to other people. “When investigating alleged violations of these Terms, Microsoft reserves the right to review Your Content in order to resolve the issue,” the new policy states.

Internet privacy and civil rights advocates are already speaking out against the Microsoft service agreement; calling the upcoming policy an attack on free speech. “Offensive language is fairly vague. Offensive to whom? What my granny might find offensive and what I might find offensive could be vastly different,” Ms. Smith of CSO Online wrote.

19 Comments on Let the Record Show That This Censorship Crap Is Coming From the Left

  1. I think most people don’t realize the negative cultural impact that little dope fiend move of using the “parental advisory” label has wrought in 30 years. What was billed as “voluntary” compromise was actually a marketing tool that made no talent thugs and record companies richer than they deserve while destroying our culture. Funny how only certain “artists” were given the labels. The resulting rot has only been matched by the rise of “smart phones” and social media of the last 10 years.
    Well, how special that those kids of the PMRC are now wanting to muzzle those that dare disagree with their so called values.

  2. I read the new rules yesterday and was struck by the inclusion of XBox. There goes all the trash talking on the games.
    Ummm….are those games that are shooting games going to be banned? Not betting on it. Too much money involved.

  3. I have used a pseudonym on the internet prior to 1995. I have never, not once, associated my real name or allowed a photo of myself to be taken that could be associated with me in real life with my online writings.

    The Guardian has a piece up this morning on all of the data Google has on you and can be downloaded. This is my weekend project.

    Reason being that this kind of censorship is meant to get everyone that doxxing can’t.

    These people are evil and I believe that without a qualifier. The personal is political and a lot of people have handed the most intimate details of their lives to their enemies who can use it, leak it or abuse it at whim.

    This is the part in the movie where Tyler Durden starts building explosives in the basement to take out the data centers in AZ, UT and NV.

  4. Notice this part:
    “Microsoft is warning customers using –> Office and other products <–…"

    That's more than 90% of all business and home users – Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, etc. plus WINDOWS itself. Did you think they gave you Windows 10 for free? Do you think they pushed it so hard because they're altruistic? Nope, it was for when they turn it into a subscription service like they did Office – i.e. pay us if you ever want to see your kids pictures again – and so they can get your data directly.

    It's long been suspected Microsoft spies on you, and their EULA (which is so full of legalese no one reads) gives them that right. Think how much confidential personal and business info they pull in. Think how it can, is, and will be misused. With Windows 10’s –> mandatory <– updates, MS can shut down anyone they want.

    My advice as an IT person for more than 35 years is to only use Linux and open-source software, use Cliche Guevara's tactics, and stay off of fakebook, twitter, and other social media. Chances are your info is already outed but anything that makes it harder for them is a plus.


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