Let Us Now All Bow Our Heads For A Cringe-Worthy Moment – IOTW Report

Let Us Now All Bow Our Heads For A Cringe-Worthy Moment

Washington Examiner

Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a Democrat, delivered the opening prayer on the first day of the 117th Congress on Sunday that started with a hint of yearning for less political division.

“Eternal God, we bow before your throne of grace as we leave behind the politically and socially clamorous year of 2020,” Cleaver said. “May we model community healing, control our tribal tendencies, and quicken our spirit.”

But at the end, Cleaver injected a political statement. “Amen, and a-woman,” he said. More

15 Comments on Let Us Now All Bow Our Heads For A Cringe-Worthy Moment

  1. First off “Amen” is not a gender term, Rep. Ewomanuel.
    Second, since you implied it was a gender term, you just violated the new rules of the house crypt keeper leader… Twice!

  2. A prayer should sincerely ask for God’s wisdom and guidance in your pursuit of accomplishing his will, and his alone, not for God to do your bidding and give you what you want.

    Prayer is more effective that way.


  3. “May we model community healing, control our tribal tendencies..”

    What tribe?
    the party over country democrap tribe?
    the only whites can be rayciss tribe?
    or some other sundry knucklehead tribe?

    How about you just join the rest of us in the human race? Particularly us humans who choose civility, integrity, honesty? You know, the stuff that God told us to do.


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