Let’s Be Clear and Lay Out the Democrat Platform – IOTW Report

Let’s Be Clear and Lay Out the Democrat Platform

I want this post to be serious and without hyperbole. This is a collaborative post that will be edited and improved as we go along. Please add your contributions in the comments that lay out how radically left, and asinine, the left has become.

We need footnotes and links, preferably to leftwing media (it’s not necessary if the media that is linked is accurately quoting democrats and/or their policy and/or their beliefs) that backs up our assertions. But don’t let that dissuade you from putting in ideas. Someone else might do the legwork after you write, for instance, “Democrats are for living wage for all, including people unwilling to work.”

This post will be a continuing indictment of today’s democrats, AND WHAT THEIR PARTY STANDS FOR, that cannot be refuted.

I am sick of arguing with leftists on social media only to have them ask “for proof” after they deny the motives and actions of their idiotic party. This will be a link everyone can point to that covers it all.

I’ll start with two and then check back in periodically to update the post with sound content. We will also bump it from time to time.



The Senate voted Monday to block consideration of a measure that would punish any doctor who fails to provide medical care to a child born alive after an attempted abortion.

All but three Democrats voted against a procedural motion on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, denying it the necessary 60 votes to proceed. The final vote count was 53 in favor and 44 opposed.

The bill would require a health-care practitioner to “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child” as he or she would to “any other child born alive at the same gestational age.” The bill includes criminal penalties, a right of civil action for an affected mother and a mandatory reporting requirement for other health providers.

Opponents of the bill argued that it represented an unjustified attack on abortion rights.


His shirt says- “I do not believe in borders”


“We are committing human-rights abuses on this border in separating children from their families and that, you know, is part of the structure of the agency,” Ocasio-Cortez told CNN. “We can replace it with a humane agency that is directed towards safe passage instead of the direction of the criminalization.”

The policy of Ocasio-Cortez and the growing number who agree with her is one where enforcement of White House policy makes ICE agents not just cruel but actually inhumane. Her solution requires a completely new agency and a completely new vision of the border where border patrol become travel agents instead of law enforcement. They won’t deter anyone entering illegally. Instead they will offer “safe passage.”


Time to End the Electoral College

By The Editorial Board of the New York Times

The Electoral College, which is written into the Constitution, is more than just a vestige of the founding era; it is a living symbol of America’s original sin. When slavery was the law of the land, a direct popular vote would have disadvantaged the Southern states, with their large disenfranchised populations. Counting those men and women as three-fifths of a white person, as the Constitution originally did, gave the slave states more electoral votes.


The electoral college would have existed whether slavery existed or not because we are republic, not a democracy. The 3/5ths compromise was a negotiation that sought to work within the framework of the electoral college, it wasn’t the electoral college.

The electoral college has survived more than a century after the removal of the 3/5ths compromise, and it is only coming under attack now that the left has concentrated all of their nutballs in a few large states. The criticism is simply using slavery as a way to smear our system.


The modern left seeks to strip whites of their wealth and transfer it “people of color,” people who were never slaves, nor oppressed, and who have enjoyed living in a country which is among the least discriminatory in the world.

1) https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/Pelosi-reparations-slavery-jackson-lee-hr-40-13650627.php
2) https://www.npr.org/2019/02/28/698863841/2020-democrats-talk-reparations
3) https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/kamala-harris-and-elizabeth-warren-are-wrong-we-shouldnt-pay-reparations-for-slavery/2019/02/26/8cbf9c66-39fa-11e9-a06c-3ec8ed509d15_story.html 



In a Medicare for all system as promoted by AOC, BernieSanders, CoryBooker and all the rest of TheDemocrats, my son would die.

Moreover, they *want* him to die.

You think maybe I’m being extreme? Hyperbolic? Ok, let me prove my point.

Let’s start with a man who’s simultaneously the creepiest and most honest of TheDemocrats, Ezekiel Emanuel, MD.

Who is Dr. Emanuel? He’s none other than the brains behind ObamaCare. During the Obama presidency, his title was (get this) Special Advisor for Health Policy to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Wanna hide someone in plain sight? Give him that kind of title.
From that obscure office, he served as the chief architect of our current mess of a medical system. Interestingly, he’s also Raul Emanuel’s brother and I personally think the parallels between the ruin of healthcare and the ruin of the City of Chicago are striking.
How did “Zeke” (as he’s known to his pals) get this kind of power? Well, he’s been a far left health care policy guru for most of his career. As such, he’s left a meaningful trail of writings that we can reference to understand the doctrine of leftist healthcare in America.
The article Zeke is best known for is entitled “Principals for the allocation of scarce medical interventions.” It was published 2009 during the lead up to ObamaCare in the Lancet (which is oddly a British journal).
I’m going to take a break here. Take a look at that article and think about what it means and what you think about it. I’ll give you my thoughts in a little while.
Ok, I’m back. Many of you picked up on the creepy nature of what Zeke is suggesting. If you don’t have social worth, you’re screwed. If your medical care is very expensive, you’re screwed, if you’re young or elderly, you’re screwed.
This graph from the article is particularly interesting to me. I’m 52 😳
Sooo, who gets to decide on all the fine print of this fancy “allocation” algorithm? Why, you’re friendly neighborhood bureaucratic committee of course! (But you’re a crazy wingnut if you call it a Death Panel, amirite?).

53 Comments on Let’s Be Clear and Lay Out the Democrat Platform

  1. Anti-God, anti gun, anti-constitution, anti-babies, anti free speech, anti free assembly, anti freedom period. Who has time to list them all?
    IT’s all well known and repeats over and over. There will be a dozen new examples today.

  2. The destruction of the “West’s” technological/infrastructure “advantage” — in the name of “global” survival — while the “West” economically supports the rest of the world’s technological/infrastructure “advance” with technologies already outlawed in the “West” as globally poisonous.

  3. It’s so difficult to spell out because of their constant hypocrisy. The say ‘if it saves even one life’ for their causes and belittle causes that aren’t theirs. They want to dismantle ICE and hate the police, yet if they had control would create a police state.
    They want to help everyone, take care of everyone, and the Earth too, because they care more than you (unless you agree with them completely). You just have to concede to them because they know better than you – even if they are still wet behind the ears. It’s all science, of course. And rhetoric is facts.

  4. BFH:

    Data is good but my experience is that it is completely ignored by lefties during debates. So the whole “Factually inaccurate but morally correct” canard that shitty sites like Snopes is pushing needs to be utterly destroyed in all debates/discussions.


    This particular post of yours will become invaluable in discussions, debates as well as when we are tweeting or posting on other blogs, etc.

    EQUALLY important in this ‘no holds barred war’ is a constantly updated post about Trump’s many amazing accomplishments that we can refer to. He has accomplished so much in a complete uphill battle with the deep state, msm, hollywood, the uni-party and others all of whom are constantly fighting against him. It is good to have a list of very concrete examples of things he has done to show people (or throw in their faces). The MSM loves to NOT report the good he has done & so many ill-informed people actually don’t know.

    Thank you very much for this idea.

  5. Since we cannot defeat them with facts i’ll go straight to emotion, which is the only level at which their malfunctioning brains are capable.

    Any collective that thrives upon the mass murder of their most dependable electorate for profit probably isn’t your friend.

    Any collective that, matter of factly, not only endorses infanticide, but applauds it, isn’t your friend.

    Any collective that endorses the seven deadly sins as their party platform isn’t your friend.

    Any collective that promotes racial division, class warfare and violence against opponents isn’t your friend.

    The left’s history shows that although you may be useful to them today, and they will call you a friend, tomorrow they may see more opportunity in another, more malleable group, thereby making you an opponent. See: blue collar whites, African Americans and Leon Trotsky.

    As for debating leftists on line, it is a futile exercise that leads to nothing but frustration. Their brains are not fully developed. Facts, logic and persuasion doesn’t work on a pack of hungry hyenas, either.

  6. In contemplating the disease one should keep in mind the cure. Truth really, is the disinfectant, and in considering the layering of lies on our society one should keep in mind that truth, and an active attack on falsehood will pull down the idols, alters, and strongholds foisted on us by the party of the RATS. Trump won because he spoke the truth, we can do no less.

  7. “From each according to his ability,
    To each according to his need.”

    “Ability” and “Need” determined by the Central Committee of the Politburo.

    Replaces that old worn-out Constitution.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Something smells fishy, and it is- fishy
    pelosi’s ‘Tuna Surprise’

    “Economists of every political stripe agree that a higher minimum wage will cost some low-skill workers their jobs. But don’t believe us; just ask Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
    The House last week whooped through an increase in the minimum wage to $7.25, by a vote of 315-116. But, lo, included as part of this boon to the working man was a loophole: The new, higher wage floor applied to all of these United States and its territories – save for the Pacific outpost of American Samoa. In the immortal words of Congressman Patrick McHenry (R., N.C.), “There’s something fishy going on here.”

    “It turns out that American Samoa has a big fish and tuna canning industry, specifically operations run by StarKist and Chicken of the Sea. Both companies are headquartered in California, and StarKist’s parent is located in none other than Ms. Pelosi’s own San Francisco district. So faster than you can say “middle class squeeze,” Democrats rediscovered the eternal economic truth that a higher minimum wage can cost jobs and granted Samoa its reprieve.” …
    “StarKist Co. has reportedly agreed to plead guilty to charges of price fixing as part of a conspiracy with two of its competitors to keep the price of canned tuna high.
    “Federal prosecutors announced the plea agreement on Thursday, which includes a fine of up to $100 million, according to The Associated Press. In the same deal, a former StarKist executive and two former Bumble Bee Foods executives pleaded guilty to price fixing.”

    “Paul Pelosi owns a $17 million investment in H. J. Heinz’s company, which in turn owns ~75% of Del Monte Corp’s stock. Del Monte is the parent company of StarKist. StarKist Tuna owns one of the two packing plants on American Samoa. Combined both plants employ over 60% of the population paying less than $3.75 a hour in wages.”

    this points to the contradiction of raising minimum wage decreases job availability, and also points out favoritism in government.
    I’m going to let this ruminate in my head for a little and see if something isn’t seared into my hippocampus, and that I can contribute about. There’s a lot about feinstein and pelosi that is ripe for pointing out contradictions.

  9. Once they are successful at dismantling the electoral college, the next logical step to democracy, fairness, and equality will be to remove the silly notion of 2 senators per state & assign the number based only on the state’s population.

  10. Fur — This is a FANTASTIC idea! Kudos to you!!

    I’ll be contributing to this A LOT. And contrary to those who think that Lefties only want to engage emotionally or don’t believe facts: That’s a risk you have to take. I know I’ve read many accounts of former progressives who said their minds were changed after being confronted with undisputed facts. If you run into a Lefty here and there who absolutely won’t argue facts, then move on and deal with those who may — albeit grudgingly. Fur’s idea here is about solutions, not more moaning over the status quo. There are no civilians in this war, my friends.

  11. ‘Tuna Surprise Left-overs’

    “No more StarKist Tuna for me …..
    Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s home district includes San Francisco .
    StarKist Tuna’s headquarters are in San Francisco , Pelosi’s home district.
    StarKist is owned by Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi.
    StarKist is the major employer in American Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan work force.
    Paul Pelosi, Nancy’s husband, owns $17 million dollars of StarKist stock.
    In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25,
    Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase
    So Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage.
    This would make Del Monte products less expensive than that of its competitors.
    Last week when the huge bailout bill was passed,
    Pelosi added an earmark to the final bill
    adding $33 million dollars for an “economic development credit in American Samoa ”
    Pelosi has called the Bush Administration “CORRUPT” and many other things !!!
    How do you spell “HYPOCRISY” ?
    OR: https://archive.fo/LeBQR

  12. Death panels:
    I got this from a Twitter thread by @JoeSilverman7 (https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1101128218399174656.html)
    This article was written by Ezekiel Emanuel, MD.
    “Who is Dr. Emanuel? He’s none other than the brains behind ObamaCare. During the Obama presidency, his title was (get this) Special Advisor for Health Policy to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.”


  13. You can keep your doctor and your own private health insurance. (Says 0bama)

    There are articles of married couples having to break up so that they can have health insurance when 0bamacare started. Yes, even lefties and elderly.

    C. Steven can elaborate on the fact that people did in fact lose their docs and health insurance.

    I, a type 1 diabetic, could not get insurance and then could not afford any insurance. AND the price of insulin got to be double the price.

  14. Principal Poop, say hi to George Leroy Tirebiter for me. PEP, PEP that spells Pep pills. And thanks for the reference to Don’t Crush That Dwarf Hand Me The Pliers by The Firesign Theater. It’s probably one of their 2 funniest albums ever next to How Can You Be In 2 Places At Once When You’re Not Anywhere At All with the album cover of the Marx Brothers Groucho and Karl. Maybe it’s also time to play Beat The Reaper by Firesign Theater again as well.

  15. They wish to disenfranchise the American citizen from voting by:
    1. Obstructing all efforts to clean up voter registration rolls.
    2. Obstructing voter ID laws with the false claims that minorities are too uneducated or unable get a photo IDs. (this claim is bigoted and untrue, as photo ID are required for just about any activity)
    3. By importing masses of illegal aliens to debase the votes of Americans by participating illegally in elections.
    4. By passing laws, such as vote harvesting, to steal elections. One can only conclude that such votes that are harvested are read, and the ones not supporting their candidates are discarded.
    5. By registering illegal aliens to vote in the State of California when receiving a driver’s license, but leaving it up to the illegal aliens to actually notify the state they are not eligible to vote.
    6. By promoting electronic and web bases voting, which can be hacked, or used as a method of “stuffing the ballot box”.

    Very few things disgust me than hearing a Democrat talk about the disenfranchisement of voters. The DOJ needs to sue states like CA, and others, the same way they went after the southern states in the 1960s, and continue to do so today, and demand clean voter egistration and fair voting.

  16. geoff the aardvark-
    Choir: We’re marching, marching to Shibboleth,
    With the Eagle and the Sword!
    We’re praising Zion ’til her death,
    Until we meet our last reward!
    Men: Our Lord’s reward!
    Women: Zion! Oh happy Zion!
    O’er wrapp’d, but not detained!
    Men: Lion, f’rocious Lion!
    His beard our mighty mane!
    Women: At First and Main!
    Men: Oh, we;ll go marching, marching to Omaha,
    With the Buckram and the Cord!
    Women: You’ll hear us “boom” our State!
    Men: Ha, ha! As we cross the final ford!
    Women: The flaming Ford!
    Choir: Zion! Oh mighty Zion!
    Your bison now are dust!
    As your cornflakes rise
    “Gainst the rust-red skies,
    Then our blood requires us must
    Go …
    Men: Marching, marching to Shibboleth,
    With the Eagle and the …
    Women: The Buckram and the Cord!
    Men: Sword! Praising Zion ’til her death!
    Women: Ha, ha!
    Men: Until we eat our last reward!
    Women: The flaming Ford!
    Choir: Zion! Oh righteous Zion!
    There is no one to blame!
    For the homespun pies
    ‘Neath the cracking skies
    Shall release the fulsome rain!
    Tenor: Shall release!
    Men: Shall release!
    Soprano: Shall release!
    Women: Shall release!
    Choir: Shall release the vinyl rein!

    It’s still as good as when we got stoned in the dorm room in 1970. Maybe better.

  17. Liberalism is a mental disorder. It exists on a spectrum. At the right end is low information stupid people who suffer from self-imposed irrational guilt. At the left end you have nefarious pathological lying sociopaths. As you move toward the sociopath end liberals divide into two sub-categories:1) Self-centered, lazy people who want free stuff taken from other people. 2) Unreasonable, mentally sexually abnormal dysfunctional people who want a new communist Sodom, forced support of it and the removal of anyone who disagrees. The more outspoken a liberal is the more they are closer to the left end.

  18. Infanticide:
    Just my thoughts on this as additional fodder. There are 2 types of people that support Socialism/ Communism: those that are truly evil and want to control every aspect of others’ lives, and the useful idiots that live based on feelings and misinformation. I believe infanticide is a litmus test to differentiate between the 2. Anyone still on board with the Demoncrats is evil.

  19. Their overall goals seem to be:

    Make the citizens dependent on the govt and international order
    Demoralize us with “tolerance” of media smut
    Insane gender bending
    Undermine Christian and Hebrew religious values
    Weaken the currency
    Weaken the military
    Disarm the population
    Regulate healthcare

  20. The presupposition that non-whites are so burdened by white racism that they cannot function without Democrat’s never-ending tax-funded largesse…a belief which is itself more racist than anything anyone else says.

    Also, sodomy and child murder.

  21. Every time I read something like this, I buy another gun.
    Bad Brad, I got a grand that ain’t doing nothing right now.
    What do you suggest?
    This is the not so Poor Lazlo

  22. The entire Gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a sentence: “Hate the man who is better off than you are.” That’s all they’ve ever had — anger, envy, hate. Those used to be considered bad, even shameful, emotions; now they’re badges of honor for certain people. We’ve been sold a huge, damaging lie: That leaning over and peaking into your neighbor’s cereal bowl is acceptable behavior, and also that if you find something in there that you don’t have, this is the difference between everything being hunky-dory, versus an imminent and righteous revolution.
    What we’ve been sold, is death. Life doesn’t work that way.
    You can’t make people equal unless you encroach on their liberty.
    ~ M. Freeberg

    Socialism: the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, the gospel of envy ~ W. Churchill

  23. I live in a neighborhood rife with virtue signaling yard signs:


    After the virtue signaling craze gained steam, I looked on, “The “New York Slimes,” “Mapping the 2010 U.S. Census,” page and found that my neighborhood is about 1% black in spite of the first line of the various virtue signaling signs saying, “Black Lives Matter.” Liberals are a bunch of lying NIMBY scum.

  24. visa overstay removals plummeted under Obama
    2009 to 2015
    Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), relying on data obtained by the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, said the Obama administration removed approximately 12,500 visa overstayers in 2009. Last year, that number dropped down to less than 2,500 – a decrease of 80 percent. (potential 5 million are here?)

  25. Tonight Mar. 5, 2019 Yahoo reports this from Quinnipiac U polling https://www.yahoo.com/news/poll-64-percent-of-americans-think-trump-has-committed-crimes-193238727.html and Yahoo says: By a wide margin, American voters believe their president has committed crimes. This is supposedly based on Quinnipiac U that also reported prior to 2016 election October 19, 2016 – Clinton Tops Trump By 7 Points, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Most Voters Say Media Is Biased Against Trump
    AT LEAST THEY GOT THE SECOND PART CORRECT https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2390

  26. And the next day Kevin Kelliher is right back at it again on Yahoo News with the same Qinnipiac Univ. poll story Looks like or could be a free lancer also associated with Muckrake.com–American voters rate President Trump less trustworthy than his former attorney Michael Cohen –But at least the commentors are pro-Trump THIS time bless them. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/americans-trust-president-trump-less-001601347.html
    This Yahoo news is crap

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