Let’s Get Creative — 2 Word Insults – IOTW Report

Let’s Get Creative — 2 Word Insults

I’ve tried, I’ve really tried to cut down on my profanity when describing progressives. It’s all but eradicated from the site (a couple may slip through for the most egregious flotsam.)

But it’s my writing style. I have to put in colorful descriptors when discussing these… these… crusty merkins. (I just used that one in the previous story.)

But it’s taking a lot of my resources (time) to think of them. I’m asking for your help.

I need the adjective followed by the noun, and I need it to pass the censors but be raunchy nonetheless.

Rusty anal bead.

Jagged dildo.

Bulimic tapeworm. (That’s right. That’s a tapeworm that’ll sap your sustenance and then throw up inside you. Pretty low on the “vile scum” scale.)

Have fun. Be creative. Thumb up the ones you like and maybe you’ll see them making their way into our posts. If they take off, like many of our terms and phrases have (see shitpickle and chocolate starfish), you’ll be able to proudly point to it and say to your rosy cheeked, innocent grandkids, “I thought of that.”

310 Comments on Let’s Get Creative — 2 Word Insults

  1. My family went to the circus a couple years back. As a female trapeze artist climbed the the ladder to her platform directly in front of us I quietly commented over my son-in-law’s shoulder, “if her costume was any smaller we’d be looking at her chocolate starfish.” He laughed for uncontrollably for 5 minutes. Thank you Big Fur.

  2. “When I hit my thumb hammering something or stub my toe:

    Snot nosed, pig faced, hairy eared crap bucket!”

    We gotta work on you Miss Claudia. I say worse than that when I’m happy LOL.

    When my mom died, her next door neighbor of 50+ years told me she didn’t think she had ever seen my mom angry. I told her she had, but she just couldn’t tell the difference between when my mom was angry and when she wasn’t because there really wasn’t much difference – like you apparently, my mom was more pleasant than a lot of people even when she was mad.

    I’ve heard it said that some people will “turn the air blue” with the words they say when angry – the air around me is more of an ultra deep violet when I’m really mad.

  3. This is easy; I’m married to an Irishan who blurts out coloquialisms such as:
    Feckin eejit (all purpose insult)
    Bare-arsed wanker (male pervert)
    Spare arse (woman of little virtue)
    Gobshite (all purpose one word wonder of an insult)
    The best ones are many words, as the Irish are not known for brevity. Can we do a contest without the word limit?

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