Let’s Get This Straight – King Marched For Black Civil Rights – IOTW Report

Let’s Get This Straight – King Marched For Black Civil Rights

There’s a lot of minorities horning in on King’s legacy. That’s legitimate egregious appropriation.

6 Comments on Let’s Get This Straight – King Marched For Black Civil Rights

  1. I was late teens when King was on the prowell. He would come to a city or town and preach his message of brotherhood or something of that nature. But one week after leaving the riots and bloodshed would start, so much for peace. Then the NAACP folks would barge in and start the civil rights junk. Fact is everyone could vote, it was a horror that folks would actually prove they could read, most could not. Now the would say the poor under privileged had bad schools, they had better than us as the politicians played them with schools for votes, just like now. If you saw a sign that said whites only, there would be another sign down to road with black only, if you were not shot or beaten in the area. Fact was that blacks wanted separation as much as whites. Being in the deep South you would see the news vans out making riots and visuals of blacks being abused, just like fake news now.

    I don’t really have a high opinion of MLK.

  2. I’m sorry, but for those of us living during the MLK years, his beatification to sainthood is just as mysterious as that of JFK and RFK.

    I was a young kid when he was shot, but the conventional wisdom in the LA area was that MLK was a malcontent and a rabble rouser, masquerading as a peaceful man of God.

    This is now considered to be heresy. Somewhere between the real world and impressions I got in 1968 and the present day sainthood lies the truth.

    I remember my dad pulling the car into our driveway that night and our neighbor hollering to dad, “they finally got that bastard”

  3. These leftist freak show groups are not hijacking “MLK” Day, because in reality he was a JFK liberal with socialist leanings and a RINO. He would have supported their so called civil rights.

    In the day, similar radical groups like SNCC were supported by Martin Luther King Jr. Why then would it be unimaginable for him to embrace, in particular, the victim class peddling left in his civil rights schematics.

    Obviously, Im not a fan and I cringe about the fact most black Americans think their voting rights stem from the civil rights movement – not true. Again a lie perpetrated by Demoncrats. Southern Democrats suppressed the black vote in the South.

    JFK hated having to step on fellow Democrat toes, but he knew federal action was the only way to break a Southern facist grip on voting in the South.

    It was The Constitution, written by white men who anticipated all future United States citizens of age, would become voters – happened exactly as planned.


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