Let’s Go Stacey! – IOTW Report

Let’s Go Stacey!

I just realized, “Let’s Go (fill in the blank)” will forever mean “F*** You (fill in the blank).”

It’s one of Joe Biden’s biggest accomplishments.

So Stacey Abrams is the savior? She can’t spell savior.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg's Unprecedented Presidential Campaign | Time
Beto O'Rourke Says He Regrets Vanity Fair Cover on the View
The Fast and Furious Michael Avenatti - The New York Times

They get so excited, the left, don’t they?

HT/ Roger Failor

26 Comments on Let’s Go Stacey!

  1. Tank Abrams is driving through Southern Georgia and she gets lost. She pulls into a convenience store to ask the locals for directions to the interstate. She says “How do I get back to 285?” One of the locals replies “Diet and exercise”.

  2. Stacy shows up at the all you can eat buffet… again… on her fourth plate the manager comes over and says, you gotta eat up and go. Stacy says ‘but the sign said all you can eat’… and the manager says, ‘yep, and this is all you can eat here today, so pack it in and pack it up’.

  3. The gluttonous and obese Abrams woman showing all the world what it’s like to be 500 lbs. of swinging oily meat. Disgusting. Add that the left-saturated and disappointed Newsweek trying in vain to increase their disinterested waning audience by attempting to scam blacks out of their money for bogus ‘subscriptions’ and laughable ‘newsletter’ pleading.


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