Let’s listen to the scoience… – IOTW Report

Let’s listen to the scoience…

The never-ending contradictory thoughts, depending on who’s paying him, of Dr. (hang him from his balls) Fauci—

6 Comments on Let’s listen to the scoience…

  1. Tony “The Worm” Fauci is overdue reuniting with his Soul down here. It’s hanging proudly on Satan’s rack between Hillary’s Soul and Bill Gates’ Soul.

    …we’re waiting impatiently for that Hat Trick.

  2. I saw this earlier, not certain but I think the first interview was late 2019, before anybody had even heard of covid. Well perhaps except for Fauxci. The second was March 8, 2020, and a month later all the news agencies fell all over themselves saying new information said the opposite. And of course the last bit was many years ago.

  3. He is not about science. Never was about science.
    Someone who is in the office all those years, survived 5 presidents is not a scientist.
    He is POS far left hack and a bureaucrat.

  4. My wife and I are just getting over a five day bout with what I think was covid so I didn’t bother to listen to what the Mengele midget had to say. I’ll just tell about our experience instead.

    A week ago Saturday we went to a bake sale. Tuesday we both started feeling under the weather and found out one of the gals running the bake sale had gotten sick over the weekend. I had a low grade fever for about three days, a headache that could have been a mild hangover except I hadn’t drank anything and a nasty sore throat that felt like I gargled with Draino. I’ve been pretty lethargic and food has tasted really bland until today. Now things are back to normal.

    My wife didn’t have a fever or headache but she had a sore throat, was lethargic and food tasted weird. She also complained about all her joints aching which I didn’t have. She’s been vaxxed but I haven’t. Anyway we’re both back to normal.

    It wasn’t fun but neither of us ever felt like we were going to die either. By the way , the bake sale gal tested negative for covid.

    Did we have covid? It seems that way to me but I’m not sure and I’m not interested in getting an unreliable test.


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