Let’s Pick Up The Pace, People! – IOTW Report

Let’s Pick Up The Pace, People!


Ambling along at a leisurely pace might seem like an ideal anti-stress strategy, but if slow-and-steady is your usual speed, it could be an indication that you’re aging more quickly than someone with a faster gait.

New research published in JAMA Network Open used data from a long-term study collecting health information on over 900 New Zealanders over a 40-year period that started when the participants were around 3 years old. They assessed gait speed in April of this year, focusing on the slowest 20 percent and fastest 20 percent throughout three walking conditions: at their usual gait, at their normal pace while reciting alternate letters of the alphabet out loud, and at their maximum gait speed. More

12 Comments on Let’s Pick Up The Pace, People!

  1. Hmm. My Knees are telling me I’m travelling along at about 3 furlongs per fortnight. I’ll just shuffle along at that speed, thank you.
    My 14 year old grand-daughter had to drop out of running cross country during her first year of high school because the soy based milk her mother fed her since infancy has pretty much done in her bones, muscles and tendons. Beautiful and soon to be crippled young woman. Sad.

  2. Now if the study had included the factor of most JD Power and Assoc s awards like ‘on a dark night during a full moon while being clocked by goats’ I might buy into it. It’s New Zealand ffs! The cabs will not even make it up most of the terrain. Don’t take me wrong, truly glad for this research,,,

  3. Mr Aesop wrote about this sort thing years ago in the tale about the hare & the tortoise. The tortoise not only won the race, but I’m certain, as a group, they also outlive hares by several decades. And that includes a huge drop in the average life expectancy of the tortoise population by several years due to a good many that never make it across the road.

  4. There could be something to this. Ever watch an obama son cross the street? Slooooowwwww…. – till he hits the other side, then starts walking faster.

    A more intelligent person would walk quickly while potentially in harm’s way, and slow down once back on the sidewalk.

    But, like I said: both obama and his sons aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.


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