Lets Play Connect The Dots – IOTW Report

Lets Play Connect The Dots

Remember last year, the big to-do over unmasking? Former UN ambassador, Samantha Power reportedly requested the names of hundreds of American citizens who had communicated with foreigners. Why?
Then there was Susan Rice who also admitted to unmasking names, particularly members of the president’s transition team.
She tried to claim it was out of national security concerns and that it was all legal since she didn’t “leak” the information.
Really Susan?

Flash forward to the present. We have the name of one individual who was engaged by the FBI to contact people who had worked on the Trump campaign to generate information for their Russian collusion investigation. While we focus on the time line discrepancies, the number of paid informants and their targets, what no one is asking is how did the informant(s) know who to contact? Who gave them the names of Carter Page and George Papadopoulos and instructions to target those individuals who were periphery to the campaign? Maybe those names were among those “unmasked” by members of the Obama Administration. Perhaps members of Obama’s staff realized that the FBI just wasn’t getting the job done and needed some help putting together a list of names to target in their effort to demonstrate collusion.

I don’t know any of this for certain. It’s all speculation, but both stories sure make a little more sense if these dots can be connected.

9 Comments on Lets Play Connect The Dots

  1. We did it for the future children (who pass the abortion screening criteria) and to ensure that the religion of peace isn’t discriminated against and those cutely craft project inked up boys (middle school 13 kids) from the south americas.

  2. It was those faceless, nameless men in black working on the dark side of the DOJ/FBI, keeping America safe from the Russians and anyone else the Clinton’s put a contract out on.

  3. Connect the dots? How about a double-double tap……
    two to the chest, two to the forehead.

    And Secret Service? No need to come knocking on my door. That was a pun, not a threat.

  4. Good thing that Susan Rice wrote that wonderful memorandum just after Donald J. Trump was sworn in as President of the United States of America. If she hadn’t left that behind to cover her behind, I wouldn’t have believed that President Osmidgen insisted on doing all that illegal surveillance against the Trump election campaign “by the book.” Reassured by this last memorandum from the woman who infamously said, “I leaked nothing to nobody” I don’t understand why we can’t just trust Susan Rice about her never micturating nothing to nobody.

  5. Obama’s election solidified the “big” in Big Government. They now knowingly police themselves. Right up to those two gals appointed to the Supreme Court. What happens next is small potatoes. They won when they split the country in two. The establishment vs. the people.


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