Let’s Play “The Bee or Not The Babylon Bee” – IOTW Report

Let’s Play “The Bee or Not The Babylon Bee”

I’ll give you two post. One is from the Babylon Bee, the other is real news.

First Post

The White House has a message in advance of, and in preparation for, a national address on a new set of federal rules and regulations that will be carried out unilaterally by the Biden administration:

Second Post

Americans opening their mailboxes were greeted with a wonderful holiday surprise, as the White House had mailed them Christmas cards with the heartwarming message, “You will get sick and die this winter.”

The Christmas cards are part of the Biden Administration’s recent uplifting Christmas messaging campaign, which kicked off when Biden announced with jovial flair, “We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death.” More

7 Comments on Let’s Play “The Bee or Not The Babylon Bee”

  1. Of course the fact that 20% of the healthcare professionals have quit and gotten outta Dodge because of Jackass Joe’s Bullshit doesn’t enter into the so-called “overwhelming” of the hospitals! If the truth be known we would probably see these sick, twisted Socialist bastards high-fiving each other every time a nurse or doctor left the system! They revel in destruction!

  2. I remember back in 2020 when the hospitals were “overwhelmed “; that was when the staff were all posting TicToc videos of themselves performing elaborate Broadway dance numbers. In otherwise empty hospitals.


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