Let’s Play Word Association – IOTW Report

Let’s Play Word Association

Copy this list and paste them in the comments. Type the first word (singular) that pops into your head next to the words as you read them. (Please don’t type a random list into the comments that aren’t associated with the original words. No one will know what you’re talking about.)

Military –

Progressive –

Melania Trump –

Voters –

1st Amendment –

Gun –

Mexico –

Indictment –

Freedom –

France –

Democracy –

Whiskey –

Sexy –

Hijab –

Money –

Congress –

Strength –

Founders –

Millennial –

Clinton –

Death –

Future –

Republican –

Obama –

Trump –







29 Comments on Let’s Play Word Association

  1. Military – Strong

    Progressive – Weak

    Melania Trump – Fine

    Voters – Ignorant

    1st Amendment – Dead

    Gun – Tool

    Mexico – Shithole

    Indictment – Hillary

    Freedom – Waning

    France – Revolution

    Democracy – Evil

    Whiskey – Good

    Sexy – Melania

    Hijab – Muzzie

    Money – Printing

    Congress – Assholes

    Strength – PDJT

    Founders – Right

    Millennial – Young

    Clinton – Gallows

    Death – Guaranteed

    Future – Bleak

    Republican – Democrat

    Obama – Sucks

    Trump – Great

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Military – Family

    Progressive – Destructive

    Melania Trump – Classy

    Voters – Legal

    1st Amendment – Critical

    Gun – Necessary

    Mexico – Invasive

    Indictment – Questionable

    Freedom – Beautiful

    France – Surrender

    Democracy – Wrong

    Whiskey – Delicious

    Sexy – Melania

    Hijab – Oppressive

    Money – Love

    Congress – diaper

    Strength – husband

    Founders – extraordinary

    Millennial – dumb

    Clinton – execute

    Death – inevitable

    Future – promising

    Republican – disappointing

    Obama – traitor

    Trump – timing

  3. Military – Victory
    Progressive – Insurance
    Melania Trump – Gorgeous
    Voters – Legal
    1st Amendment – 2nd Amendment
    Gun – Fun
    Mexico – Maya
    Indictment – Hillary
    Freedom – Republic
    France – Nasty
    Democracy – Republic
    Whiskey – Tango – Foxtrot
    Sexy – Seymour
    Hijab – Towel
    Money – Funny
    Congress – Idiots
    Strength – Military
    Founders – Jefferson
    Millennial – Douchebag
    Clinton – Criminal
    Death – Taxes
    Future – Bright
    Republican – Right
    Obama – Loser
    Trump – Winner

    Got rid of double spacing to make room for y’all. 😀

  4. Progressive – dirtbag

    Melania Trump – legs

    Voters – dumb

    1st Amendment – imperiled

    Gun – powder

    Mexico – hot

    Indictment – power

    Freedom – joy

    France – smelly

    Democracy – institutional

    Whiskey – amber

    Sexy – hips

    Hijab – smelly

    Money – freedom

    Congress – building

    Strength – fist

    Founders – Jefferson

    Millennial – dumb

    Clinton – corruption

    Death – black

    Future – road

    Republican – elephant

    Obama – lucky

    Trump – energy

  5. Military – honorable
    Progressive – Luddite
    Melania Trump – beautiful
    Voters – stupid
    1st Amendment – dead
    Gun – protection
    Mexico – filth
    Indictment – lie
    Freedom – lost
    France – pansies
    Democracy – mob
    Whiskey – nectar
    Sexy – hot
    Hijab – hate
    Money – freedom
    Congress – serfdom
    Strength – vigilance
    Founders – genius
    Millennial – idiots
    Clinton – despicable
    Death – inevitable
    Future – death
    Republican – Quisling
    Obama – Traitor
    Trump – Patriot

  6. Progressive—insurance
    Melania Trump –blue
    Voters –insurance
    1st Amendment –speech
    Gun –shoot
    Mexico –sombrero
    Indictment –Schiff
    Freedom –calls
    France –revolution
    Democracy –protests
    Whiskey –rebellion
    Sexy –Sadie
    Hijab –halal
    Money –talks
    Congress –men
    Strength –training
    Founders –hall
    Millennial –generation
    Clinton –Bill
    Death –taxes
    Future –Republicans
    Republican –Senate
    Obama –ears
    Trump –strong

  7. Military –strength

    Progressive –jerk

    Melania Trump –Fox

    Voters –choice

    1st Amendment –right

    Gun –rights

    Mexico –wall

    Indictment –Hilary

    Freedom –fighter

    France –frog

    Democracy –vote

    Whiskey –sour

    Sexy –woman

    Hijab –Islam

    Money –gold

    Congress –useless

    Strength –armed

    Founders –fathers

    Millennial –punk

    Clinton –scum

    Death –taxes

    Future –pasture

    Republican –rino

    Obama –usurper

    Trump –great

  8. Military – troops
    Progressive – liberal
    Melania Trump – pretty
    Voters – stupid
    1st Amendment – right
    Gun – 9mm
    Mexico – tourist
    Indictment – conviction
    Freedom – eagle
    France – hellhole
    Democracy – America
    Whiskey – rebellion
    Sexy – wife
    Hijab – muslima
    Money – finances
    Congress – baboons
    Strength – coach
    Founders – wise
    Millennial – snowflake
    Clinton – crook
    Death – sad
    Future – unknown
    Republican – weasel
    Obama – muslim
    Trump – President

  9. Military – Veteran
    Progressive – Misguided
    Melania Trump – Gorgeous
    Voters – Citizens
    1st Amendment – American
    Gun – Mine
    Mexico – Failed
    Indictment – Chilling
    Freedom – Fading
    France – Wine
    Democracy – Republic
    Whiskey – Bourbon
    Sexy – Girls
    Hijab – Tent
    Money – Savings
    Congress – Sideshow
    Strength – Power
    Founders – Genius
    Millennial – Misguided
    Clinton – Corruption
    Death – Loss
    Future – Hopeful
    Republican – Traitors
    Obama – Kenyan
    Trump – Regan

  10. Progressive – sex
    Melania Trump – sex
    Voters – sex
    1st Amendment – sex
    Gun – sex
    Mexico – sex
    Indictment – sex
    Freedom – sex
    France – sex
    Democracy – sex
    Whiskey – sex
    Sexy – sex
    Hijab – sex
    Money – sex
    Congress – sex
    Strength – sex
    Founders – sex
    Millennial – sex
    Clinton – sex
    Death – sex
    Future – sex
    Republican – sex
    Obama – sex
    Trump – sex

  11. Military – Pride
    Progressive – Soup
    Melania Trump – Beautiful
    Voters – Citizens
    1st Amendment – Freedom
    Gun – Freedom
    Mexico – Shithole
    Indictment – Criminals
    Freedom – God
    France – Yellow
    Democracy – Mob
    Whiskey – Warm
    Sexy – Conservatives
    Hijab – Slavery
    Money – Mine
    Congress – Crooked
    Strength – Conservatives
    Founders – Brilliant
    Millennial – Snowflake
    Clinton – Evil
    Death – Judgement
    Future – Unclear
    Republican – Law
    Obama – Evil
    Trump – Patriot

  12. Military –Veterans

    Progressive –Commies

    Melania Trump – Classy

    Voters –Illegal

    1st Amendment –Speech

    Gun –Handy

    Mexico –Food

    Indictment – Horizon

    Freedom – Fight

    France –Gone
    Democracy – Libs

    Whiskey –JohnnyWalkerBlack

    Sexy –Shirt

    Hijab –Doomed

    Money –Staple

    Congress –SandBox

    Strength –Stamina

    Founders – Fathers

    Millennial –Pitiful
    Clinton –Jail

    Death – Treason

    Future –Bright

    Republican –Hope

    Obama – Ill

    Trump –Optimistic

  13. Military – Strong
    Progressive – Liar
    Melania Trump – Cultured
    Voters – Lazy
    1st Amendment – Losing
    Gun – Always
    Mexico – Wall
    Indictment – Zero
    Freedom – Natural
    France – Lost
    Democracy – Mob
    Whiskey – Never
    Sexy – Pass
    Hijab – Enemy
    Money – Enough
    Congress – Liars
    Strength – America
    Founders – Grateful
    Millennial – Losers
    Clinton – Criminal
    Death – Heaven
    Future – Troubled
    Republican – Choice
    Obama – Enemy
    Trump – Blessed

  14. Progressive – Idiot
    Military – Strength
    Melania Trump – Cool
    Voters – Dumb
    1st Amendment – Freedom
    Gun – Shoot
    Mexico – City
    Indictment – Excitement
    Freedom – Rings
    France – Sucks
    Democracy – Lives
    Whiskey – Barrell
    Sexy – Sadie
    Hijab – flab
    Money – Maker
    Congress – What
    Strength – Mind
    Founders = God
    Millennial – Kids
    Clinton – Shit
    Death – Train
    Future – Fransisco (you said first word)
    Republican – President
    Obama – Asshole
    Trump – Giant

  15. Military – heroes

    Men, You Don’t Need the Blue Pill if You Do This Before Bed
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    Progressive – libtard

    Melania Trump – gorgeous

    Voters – emerging

    1st Amendment – free speech

    Gun – tool

    Mexico – shithole

    Indictment – useless

    Freedom – liberty

    France – cowards

    Democracy – republic

    Whiskey – river

    Sexy – wife

    Hijab – mask

    Money – necessary

    Congress – useless

    Strength – heroes

    Founders – wise

    Millennial – fool

    Clinton – crime

    Death – freedom

    Future – optimism

    Republican – RINO

    Obama – pretender

    Trump – Mr. President

  16. Military – strong

    Progressive – fuckwit

    Melania Trump – grace

    Voters – cattle

    1st Amendment – essential

    Gun – essential

    Mexico – shithole

    Indictment – smokescreen

    Freedom – America

    France – lost

    Democracy – mob

    Whiskey – yum

    Sexy – MikeRowe

    Hijab – never

    Money – earn

    Congress – useless

    Strength – will

    Founders – brilliant

    Millennial – ignorant

    Clinton – criminal

    Death – eventual

    Future – now

    Republican – *snort*

    Obama – traitor

    Trump – great

  17. Military – Protect

    Progressive – Miserable

    Melania Trump – Loyal

    Voters – Heedless

    1st Amendment – Gun

    Gun – Freedom

    Mexico – Problem

    Indictment – Fishing

    Freedom – God

    France – Memory

    Democracy – Greece

    Whiskey – Fireball

    Sexy – Volitional

    Hijab – Slavery

    Money – Opportunity

    Congress – Greed

    Strength – Martyr

    Founders – Geniuses

    Millennial – Prey

    Clinton – Sociopath

    Death – Progressives

    Future – Hope

    Republican – Equivocal

    Obama – Disorganizer

    Trump – Natural

  18. Melania Trump – beautiful

    Voters – damn Democrats

    1st Amendment – IOTW

    Gun – oiled and chambered

    Mexico – no borders

    Indictment – Adam chit

    Freedom – Donald Trump

    France – Muslims

    Democracy – United States Republic

    Whiskey – beer

    Sexy – Sen. Blumenthal

    Hijab – Cory Booker’s girlfriend

    Money –

    Congress – cemetery

    Strength – Donald Trump

    Founders – brilliant

    Millennial – too long ago

    Clinton – lock her up

    Death – it’s coming

    Future – wonderful with Donald

    Republican – proud to be

    Obama – lying empty suit

    Trump – love him

  19. Military – Tribunals
    Progressive – Destruction
    Melania Trump – Gracious
    Voters – Sheep
    1st Amendment – 2nd Amendment
    Gun – Fight
    Mexico – Wall
    Indictment – Deep State
    Freedom – Firearms
    France – Yellow Vests
    Democracy – Mob
    Whiskey – Pendelton
    Sexy – And female holding a gun
    Hijab – Removal
    Money – Laundering
    Congress – Dregs
    Strength – Christianity
    Founders – Brilliant
    Millennial – Crybabies
    Clinton – Evil
    Death – Clinton
    Future – Bright
    Republican – Weakness
    Obama – Treason
    Trump – Lion

  20. Military – Police
    Progressive – Disease
    Melania Trump – Elegantissima
    Voters – Dumb
    1st Amendment – 2nd Amendment
    Gun – Rights
    Mexico – Taco
    Indictment – Prosecution
    Freedom – Fighter
    France – Paris
    Democracy – Mob
    Whiskey – Rebellion
    Sexy – Wife
    Hijab – Inbred
    Money – Belt
    Congress – 535+1
    Strength – Asset
    Founders – Almost
    Millennial – Gullible
    Clinton – Gaaaaaah!
    Death – Cult
    Future – Alternative
    Republican – RINO
    Obama – Worst
    Trump – MAGA

    …posted before looking at other comments.

  21. Military –honor

    Progressive – Marxist

    Melania Trump –beautiful

    Voters –stupid

    1st Amendment –threatened

    Gun –freedom

    Mexico –corrupt

    Indictment –crime

    Freedom –rare

    France –sissy

    Democracy –tyranny

    Whiskey –fun

    Sexy –hot

    Hijab –leash

    Money –nice

    Congress –evil

    Strength –power

    Founders –wise

    Millennial –ignorant

    Clinton –evil

    Death –inevitable

    Future –bleak

    Republican –establishment

    Obama –traitor

    Trump –brilliant

  22. Military – Respect
    Progressive – No Respect
    Melania Trump – Smart
    Voters – Should be smart
    1st Amendment – Bedrock
    Gun – Enforcer
    Mexico – Enemy
    Indictment – Fantasy
    Freedom – Essential
    France – Islam
    Democracy – Mob Rule
    Whiskey – Medicine
    Sexy – Not me
    Hijab – Habit
    Money – Not enough
    Congress – Too much
    Strength – Need more
    Founders – Risk takers
    Millennial – Risk adverse
    Clinton – Too risky
    Death – Inevitable
    Future – Also Inevitable
    Republican – Should be inevitable
    Obama – Unfortunately inevitable
    Trump – Finally!

  23. Military -Devotion

    Progressive – regressive

    Melania Trump –super

    Voters –

    1st Amendment –genius

    Gun –freedom

    Mexico –loathsome

    Indictment –HRC

    Freedom –CORRUPTED

    France –HAHAHA

    Democracy –WORK

    Whiskey –WHY




    Congress –CORRUPT

    Strength –DESIRABLE

    Founders –GENIUS

    Millennial –UGH

    Clinton –DEMONIC

    Death –END

    Future –HOOE

    Republican –GARBAGE

    Obama –VOMITUS

    Trump –AMAZING

  24. Sorry I am so late. I Can’t comment while at work.

    Military – service

    Progressive – utopia

    Melania Trump – gorgeous

    Voters – citizens

    1st Amendment – speech

    Gun – 2nd amendment

    Mexico – border

    Indictment – ham sandwich

    Freedom – liberty

    France – crepes

    Democracy – vote

    Whiskey – rye

    Sexy – legs

    Hijab – rag

    Money – cash

    Congress – crooks

    Strength – might

    Founders – smart

    Millennial – dumb

    Clinton – sleaze

    Death – Clintons

    Future – dark

    Republican – politician

    Obama – Kenyan

    Trump – AWESOME!

  25. Military – safety
    Progressive – misguided
    Melania Trump – MILF
    Voters – Stupid
    1st Amendment – essential
    Gun – friend
    Mexico – shithole
    Indictment – Dream on
    Freedom – life
    France – enigma
    Democracy – system
    Whiskey – Black Velvet
    Sexy – Hottt
    Hijab – sand niggah
    Money – talks
    Congress – scumbags
    Strength – military
    Founders – brilliant
    Millennial – Crybabies
    Clinton – devil
    Death – eventual
    Future – socialism
    Republican – swampy
    Obama – racialist
    Trump – The right man at the right time

  26. Melania Trump –beauty
    Voters –dumb
    1st Amendment –Best
    Gun –Best
    Mexico –dirt
    Indictment –maybe
    Freedom –Best
    France –trying
    Democracy –Good
    Whiskey –sipping
    Sexy –boobs
    Hijab –Worst
    Money –Excellent
    Congress –OK
    Strength –Great
    Founders –Best
    Millennial –crummy
    Clinton –dirt
    Death –Hillary
    Future –good
    Republican –OK
    Obama –shit
    Trump –gold

  27. Military – inefficency
    Progressive – dead end
    Melania Trump – hawt
    Voters – idiots
    1st Amendment – freedom
    Gun – safety
    Mexico – crime
    Indictment – Clinton
    Freedom – America
    France – burning
    Democracy – mob rule
    Whiskey – yuck
    Sexy – boobies
    Hijab – slavery
    Money – freedom
    Congress – slavemasters
    Strength – weapons
    Founders – genius
    Millennial – crybabies
    Clinton – criminal
    Death – my job
    Future – hopefully
    Republican – surrender
    Obama – traitor
    Trump – defender


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