“Lets Rock” – IOTW Report

“Lets Rock”

Edmund Zagorski died overnight in Tennessee’s electric chair. Seeking to avoid lethal injection (which Zagorski considered “unspeakable torture”) the double murderer was able to choose the electric chair as his means of execution. Tennessee allows those whose crimes occurred before 1999 to opt for this method. Zagorski’s last words were “Lets Rock.” More

26 Comments on “Lets Rock”

  1. @Left Coast Dan

    Unfortunately, most actors rarely resemble the characters they portray on screen. I’ve read about Ed O’Neil before. Seems Babs Streisand or Cher would be good “soulmates” for him. Shame.

  2. WKRN just flashed a poll showing 86% of respondents support the death penalty.

    Supreme Arbiter of Criminal Justice and White Privilege Radley Balko said Tennessee was a racist state because our death penalty is biased.

    By my count, not one black person has been executed by the state in over 20 years.

    We need parity.

  3. While execution seems to be a State Right unless it’s a Federal Crime maybe it’s time for the Fed’s to grab jurisdiction on the flimsy of excuses and at the same time pass a law that requires death sentences be carried out within a year of sentencing. Give the condemned a more then reasonable amount of legal help but at the end of the year it’s injection, hanging, electric chair or High Altitude Chamber. I’m sure a lot of states would be happy to get this hot potato off their desks and onto the desks of the Feds. For those that get executed and later found to be innocent have a OOPS Fund created to compensate the relatives. This way would be a lot cheaper and less dangerous to guards and other inmates.

  4. I’d like to thank the death penalty protesters for their participation. By not staying home and using electricity, they helped ensure that the TN Department of Corrections had enough juice to get the job done.

  5. Hey if Old Sparky worked to execute Ted Bundy in Florida states ought to be able to use it more often and a lot sooner. Whatever happened to justice being carried out swiftly after a death sentence was pronounced? In the old days this jerk would’ve been executed in a year or less after being sentenced to death.

  6. They’ve been condemned to death; why do they get a last meal ‘choice’, what have they done to deserve any accommodation? As to the method of their death – put a hood over their head and shoot them via the firing squad; simple, works every time and likely less costly.


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