“Let’s Roll, America!” MAGA Rally En Route to Washington DC – IOTW Report

“Let’s Roll, America!” MAGA Rally En Route to Washington DC

CTH: Our good friend John Spiropolous departs today for a multi-state tour en route to Washington DC for the January 6th MAGA rally. CTH will be sharing videos of John’s travels along the way.

Prior to departing for The TrumpMarch.com rally January 6 in DC, John stopped to speak with patriots who gathered in a rain storm in Huntington Beach, California.  John files two video reports from the California event: more

28 Comments on “Let’s Roll, America!” MAGA Rally En Route to Washington DC

  1. One part of me is all in. The other part says what’s the point? I am conflicted on this whole thing.

    Is this the parade scene from Animal House? A pointless, last ditch show of defiance?

  2. I can’t count how many times I have gone to rallies in DC. First Tea Party in Jan/Feb 2009. One cause after another. It has to be at least 20 times now. What do I have to show for it?

  3. Holding a “rally” on the day Congress certifies the election? But the President is calling it a “protest.”

    So, which is it?

    A rally to celebrate the certification of Trump’s re-election?
    A protest against the certification of Biden’s stolen election?

    Either way, I wouldn’t set foot in that town without my best rifle on my shoulder, locked and loaded.

  4. The first tea party
    Obamacare decision at Supreme Court
    Several other rallies
    Kavanaugh hearings
    Dave Brat swearing in
    Several walk the halls of Congress
    Protecting Viet Nam war memorial from threats of defacement
    WWII opening during Obama shutdown

    The list goes on and on about my trips there.

  5. “You’ll find out all the SELL OUT “Republicans” on January 6.”

    And maybe that’s what he’s waiting on. If nothing else Trump has stripped a lot of assholes naked for the world to see. Dan “Fucking Red Flag” Crenshaw stabbed Trump in the back AGAIN. I don’t care if he was a Seal, the guys not to be trusted.

  6. Not to scrape open any open wounds, but isn’t that BFH’s art work at the end of that link?

    I wouldn’t be attending that shin dig in DC unless I was with a group that was armed to the teeth.

  7. I just sent an email to CTH to give credit to Fur. I sent them a picture of the magnet on my fridge showing “BFH and the old iOTW logo.

    Let’s see if they do something about it.

  8. @Brad – good pick up. I saw them USE it quite awhile ago, glad they don’t have the NEW and improved @Joe6pak version though!

    @C- glad they got back to you. They seem nice…

    @Anon – never saw that movie, but I did see The Jerk, and that is YOU. Go back to FINGER painting…

  9. @Joe6pak – and others.

    @BFH gave the go ahead for a tee-shirt design…some threads WAY back. Regardless of what happens next month we need a SHIRT. Long sleeve and short…

    Who HERE has access to a CHEAP tee shirt GUY?

    @anon – that movie with Jeff Bridges, The Big Lebowski, and yes I had to look it up…DUDE.

    I was more of a Starman kinda guy…

  10. I love you guys! We don’t lose.

    Just ask South America. Oh! did I say this before? We will never, ever lose!

    My Guardian Angel told me this a long time ago in Monterey, CA. But, maybe I’m getting too drunk, now. But, I’ve seen Americans!

    So, see ya later closer to when it happens.

    ILA (I Love Americans).


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