Letter In Federal Food Boxes Being Removed By Chicago Area Pantries – IOTW Report

Letter In Federal Food Boxes Being Removed By Chicago Area Pantries

Chicago Tribune

Food pantries for months have relied on a government-sponsored food box program to serve a spike in needy families during the pandemic. But the latest batch of boxes includes an item some find unpalatable as the election nears: a letter signed by President Donald Trump.

The letter, printed in both English and Spanish on White House letterhead, highlights the Farmers to Families Food Box program and includes general safety information for preventing COVID-19 transmission. More

20 Comments on Letter In Federal Food Boxes Being Removed By Chicago Area Pantries

  1. …not that Democrats will let any through, but you need to add French to your translations just in case, since a LOT of the Obama Imports are African Muslims, and to the extent they read anything, French is the common language of Africa…

  2. mickety moussaoui
    OCTOBER 1, 2020 AT 1:35 PM
    “Obama could send used toilet paper and they would cherish it.”

    …well, they DID select a shit for “president”, which gives a certain logic to said shit sending TP…

  3. The prisoners of Stalag Chicago should consider themselves lucky that the guards are only taking the letter out. Although I’m probably being naive in assuming that some mid-level city government grifters are not pilfering and reselling some of the food when they cut the packages open to remove the letter. But that’s a scandal for another day.

  4. This reminds me of the story from decades ago, when the USA sent care packages to some shithole country after a disaster of some sort, and the marxist government removed “USA” from the boxes before delivering them, so THEY would get credit instead of US.

  5. The socialists did that to aid sent to Eastern Europe and the Far East back during the Cold War.
    All of the “Sent From the USA” (or whatever) stenciled on the sides of the boxes was painted over.

    Funny – the maggots never change their ways AND we never learn!
    Maybe “funny” isn’t the right word.

    Tony R – didn’t see your post before I pressed “enter.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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