Letter Surfaces on Conservative PAC’s Effort to Unseat Mitch McConnell – IOTW Report

Letter Surfaces on Conservative PAC’s Effort to Unseat Mitch McConnell

Everybody hates Mitch.


Sources are reporting on an email letter focused on unseating Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sent by Senate Conservatives Action, a political action committee. The letter was signed by the former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccineli, who is now president of the PAC.

NBC reported that political operative, pundit, and author Roger Stone circulated the letter, which NBC reported on but did not include a link to or a copy of the letter.

“The email contains a call to ‘ditch Mitch’ and is an extension of attacks on the majority leader by Trump,” NBC reported. “It calls McConnell a creature of the swamp.’

Jim Clayton, who writes for Conservative News Daily, reported on Monday that he was sent the letter, which he published.

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10 Comments on Letter Surfaces on Conservative PAC’s Effort to Unseat Mitch McConnell

  1. McConnell has orchestrated the steady shift to the left for many years. He’s managed to isolate the conservative members and strip them of any power. He is a puppet of the Chamber of Commerce and a lowlife slime. He’s way past his sell by date.

  2. Mitch lives in the swamp bubble of RINO capitulation.
    His failure of leadership includes his failure to follow the will of the American people and President Trump.
    Funny, Mitch never obstructed Obama’s agenda? Why now?

    Mitch, Lamar Alexander, Shelley Capito, Susan Collins, ; Dean Heller ; John McCain, ; Lisa Murkowski; and Rob Portman in the Senate betrayed their word and failed to defeat and defund Obamacare. Higher taxes and outrageously costly healthcare is the result of their failure. Betrayal.

    Ryan and his long list of House Rinos have obstructed legislation and attacked President Trump. Ryan says one thing to the voters and then betrays those who supported him. Ryan too supported all of Obama’s agenda. Why is he obstructing President Trump? End Ryan’s leadership for his complete betrayal and deceit.

  3. I don’t trust NeverTrumper Cuccineli. Ditching Mitch is overdue. Who is Cuccineli supporting and who supports his PAC? Is this the establishment realizing one of theirs is terminally wounded and needs to be replaced with a younger version- a Boehner/Ryan repeat?

  4. While plans to create a viable campaign to unseat McConnell are a good idea leaking them to the press is not. The best plan would have few in number but would have enormous influence at the grassroots as well as a full warchest. While I’m sure McConnll knows that there is going to be some sort of nomination battle if he doesn’t know exactly who is driving it or the support they are gaining then it’s difficult to defend against until it fully comes out. It may not seem right but it’s the nature of politics. It seems to be a little early in the campaign for non-approved leaks to be coming out to the media so I’d be a little leery about this guy. It’s not out of the realm of possiblity that the fellow wants all the opposition to McConnell to coalesce around him then throw the fight. That to is politics.

  5. Old dog’s fighting days are over. He’s now in over his head. Pelosi, as sick and demented as she is, is still more effective. That’s pretty bad. Time for Mitch to go back home, spend quality time chasing cars, begging for treats, napping under a shade tree, and barking at the moon.

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