Letter to President Trump – IOTW Report

Letter to President Trump

“Please immediately issue an Executive Order that prevents the use of foreign participation in the supply chain of US election equipment.”

My County Sheriff has been working on this since 2020. Michigan’s government has tried to silence him many times.

He sent all this information (along with proof, names, and more suggestions how to fix it) to Congress a year ago and they have done NOTHING!

He had to try this.

10 Comments on Letter to President Trump

  1. Diebold Machines and Accenture programming.
    There is no better way to buy hardware crap and have software shit.
    Two crooked suppliers, I have been there personally and I don’t retract a single word

  2. Computers are TOO easy to rig and vanish. Anyone who writes microcode software knows the truth. Even US made and foreign chip manufactures can add code to counterfeit micro circuits that can be difficult and near impossible to find without extensive investigations.

  3. Getting rid of voting machines, using paper ballots, no mail-in voting or drop boxes, same day voting, counting done by midnight on election day night, etc. were all Sheriff Dar’s suggestions in his original data package sent to Congress last year.

    Since they did NOTHING, he thought he’d start with AT LEAST getting rid of foreign involvement in this letter to President Trump.

  4. Elections are the purview of the states. I mean I agree that these criminals need to be cut off, but plenty of criminal American companies would happily serve the DNC/Deep State too. We MUST return to hand-counted paper ballots or nothing else will ever matter.


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