Letters Being Sent to Trump Supporters Threatening To Burn Their Houses Down – IOTW Report

Letters Being Sent to Trump Supporters Threatening To Burn Their Houses Down

29 Comments on Letters Being Sent to Trump Supporters Threatening To Burn Their Houses Down

  1. Looks like we’ll have another 4th to eventually celebrate with fireworks. I’ve been curious as to exactly what they will do once some of the more prepared actually put a dent in their numbers.

  2. From what I read here and there, Mayors of some cities are preparing for gun toting Trump militias to interrupt the election sites and intimidate black voters and commit other violent acts during and after election day.

  3. Anon, doesn’t matter you had to leave your email to post, so no matter what you’ve still left a trail.

    Day by day our liberties go away if the Commie Dem’s are allowed to stay.

  4. Fare Warning to anyone trying to Burn my House down! I train to shoot low so if you survive you won’t be able to breed! I don’t give a schit about your feelings or you family…

  5. Dear “Neighbor” (that doesn’t live in my neighborhood),

    You have been identified by our group as a PantyFag #BurnLootMurder Revolutionary Communist dumbass.

    Your face has been added into our database as a target for when you attempt to attack our neighborhood should President Orange Man win this 2020 election.

    We recommend that you check your life insurance policy and make (sure) that it is current and that it has adequate coverage for “Fire” damage and a funeral.

    You have been given “Fair Warning”.

    Always remember that it was “you” that started this unCivil War. And we’ll be glad to finish it for ya.

    Be prepared to face the severe consequences of your pre-emptive actions against the democratic processes of our Republic.


  6. Cars armed with molotov cocktails will carry out this terrorism. Just like it was near impossible to stop the arsonists starting forest fires it will be near impossible to stop this unless you keep guard 24/7.

  7. Billy Fuster

    Exactly. It will be hit teams of 6 to 8 lighting homes on fire at 3:00 in the morning shooting the occupants as they bail out of the house. Tough to defend.

    Edit, Arsonists must be shot on sight.

  8. From the grammar and general tone of the note, the “arsonist” is more likely to burn himself than a homeowner.
    I sure hope nobody tells him that the surest way to start a home fire is by pouring gasoline up his ass and holding a match to it as he farts in the general direction of the home to be burned.
    THEN I’d be scared!

    Pretty certain that if it’s dumb enough to support socialism it’s too fucking dumb to set fire to a house.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. ANON

    I used my name 20 years ago. in ’04 on NRO I posted a negative fact about the Muslim in the White House. I was, and had been for decades a “suit”, and the Rove/kBush folk put the word out to future employers that I was a
    “Bibble thumping Ronny lover”. I had friends on the Boards of some Cos. and they quietly informed me that the GOP liberal “elite” Marxists were after me.

    I was old then, and my next move was retirement.

    But – learned how ruthless the GOP left (GWB) was and for a GWB/BLM “protester” to torch my home was not “out of the question”. Mat Dollof is a case in point!

    Muzzie’s acolyte BHO kept most of GWB’s libs/Marxists in power:Brennan, Claper, Comey, L Lerner….Mueller et.at.
    The libs of BLOTH parties are united to o violence against Americans!

    NOt my name but what I did


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