Levin: An Invitation for Cruz and Trump – IOTW Report

Levin: An Invitation for Cruz and Trump

cruz trump debate

15 Comments on Levin: An Invitation for Cruz and Trump

  1. I’m not opposed to a Trump/Cruz ticket but it’s not Cruz’s call – it’s Trump’s. Trump will have the nomination wrapped up by the end of April. Cruz has no path.

    Cruz can hold out the olive branch by reaffirming the rights of Trump and his supporters to peaceful rallies uninterrupted by violent, intolerant thugs.

  2. I wonder if Mr Hypocrite would be calling for a one on one if his boy was trouncing Trump. If Cruz was on a glide path to securing the necessary delegates in Cleveland, do you really believe he’d be calling for this?

    If Cruz were drawing 35,000 people to his rallies instead of half filled diners, would Mr Venom want this face to face? Yeah, you bet.

    Of course not. He’s trying to make it appear that Trump is afraid to face Cruz when in fact they’ve had a basket of debates. Debates where Cruz used his time to spread lies about Trump.

    I swear, the longer this goes on, the drunker I’ll have to be to vote for Cruz if he somehow does manage to steal the nomination form Trump. He’s a fucking snake.

  3. No advantage to Trump for him to do it.
    CNN or Fox might as well offer another “debate.”

    TO pageoturner
    Cruz COULD…but I doubt he will. IF he does, it will be only when it is clear he has no way to block Trump.

  4. SuperToe, Mark stated very early on that he will support Trump if he is our nominee and that anyone who would not is a RINO like Mitch McConnell. Mark, unlike that unhinged lunatic Glenn Beck is a bona fide patriot who understands the importance of not staying home and stomping your feet like a petulant child and thereby handing a vote to the felonious Communist in an orange pant suit.

  5. —My guy can beat up your guy, nobody’s fair, they’re gonna do gotchas, because no one on this planet can be impartial, mom loved my brother more than she did me— etc so on and so forth.

    And none of those are excuses. None of them.

    They still have to face each other. So…What’s the delay?

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