Levin and Beck Team Up and Create Blaze Media – IOTW Report

Levin and Beck Team Up and Create Blaze Media


28 Comments on Levin and Beck Team Up and Create Blaze Media

  1. Now why would Levin want to hitch his wagon to the failed clown show “The Blaze”?
    Beck, has not only proven himself to be an unhinged TDS hypocritical mess, prone to run to the lefty side when his emotions take over, but The Blaze didn’t exactly turn out to be an above board business success.
    Dogs – fleas.

  2. I suppose with them two in one place they’ll be easier to ignore. Beck with his unhinged vacillation and Levine with his spittle flecked screeching.

    I’m aware they are entertainers (like Rush) but personally don’t find them entertaining.

  3. I suspect both of them are still harboring the self-righteous idea that Trump “isn’t doing (“true”) conservatism right.” I wonder what kind of conservatism purity test they have in mind for 2020?

    And, remember, they put in with the likes of Kristol and the rest of the gang of 22 (contributors who came out with the anti-Trump issue of NR) that launched the Anti-Trump movement.

  4. Beck’s on air right now, crying (yes, again) about why can’t we all just get along, we’re all Americans, blah, blah, blah. And also saying that NONE of his partners will influence the other, they’ll just do their own thing. Him mentioning Crowder worries me, though. I kinda like him. Levin, eh. Don’t care for him.

  5. I stopped watching Beck when he and Cruz took teddy bears and soccer balls to illegals. Levin lost me when he backed Cruz in spite of his duplicity about illegals (and pro-illegal legislation he supported but claimed was instead a “poison pill”).

    Glad Levin supports Trump now but I look for people smarter than me to follow. Not the folks at the back of the parade.


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